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Key Points to Be Considered

Essay by   •  February 6, 2015  •  Essay  •  257 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,078 Views

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Key Points to be considered on retail floor area. The merchandising needs to eye catchy and easily shopable.

Merchandise different story lines can be followed. It could be blocked colour wise, coordination wise or in way to wear statement.

The Key styles can be merchandised on mannequins and price talker can help further for customer to know the available price range of those styles.

High level props can be used on walls to attract customer attention.

Easy to shop concept is followed for the stores where space is limited.

Window & store façade needs to have appeal for new trends available instore. It helps window shopper to come back as an when they want to buy.

The window should be creatively design as per current trends and market requirements.

The offer collection can be displayed in rear area in case new collection is launched in stores.

Placing price points on collection - it helps for customer to shop easily and without spending hours.

Signage of collection if place on high level - It help as silent selling tool and customer can easily find what they are looking for. Proper arrangement of merchandise size wise can further help as silent tool.

The store house keeping standards should be uoto the mark, which helps customers to feel comfortable in stores.

Music in store helps as mood changer for customer. In case music is too loud customer may not like it and in case music is too low customer may feel sad. The music needs to be played on reasonable sound.



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