America's Private Gulag
Essay by review • March 6, 2011 • Research Paper • 516 Words (3 Pages) • 1,026 Views
I. Introductory information about Privately-Run Prison
A. privately-run prison industry = most profitable industry in America.
B. 10 years ago, five privately-run prisons housing a population of 2,000 => now, more than 100 prisons with about 62,000 beds.
C. Industry is expanding fast. Good business
D. 100 years ago, most privately-run prisons were closed down due to horrible conditions, but during the past decade, they have made a comeback.
i. Reasons
- the post-1980s free market ideological fervor
- large budget deficits for the federal and state gov'ts.
- the discovery and creation of vast new reserves of "raw materials"--prisoners
II. Expansion
A. Most entrenched at the state level but is expanding into the federal prison system.
B. Most controlled by Corrections Corporation of America (CCA)
C. Wackenhut
i. CCA's chief competitor, founded by a former FBI official.
ii. Has a third of the private prison market with 24 contracts
D. Esmor
i. No. 3 firm in the field, founded only a few years ago and already operates ten corrections or detention facilities.
E. Expanding abroad (Europe, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, China, and etc.)
III. Business
A. The companies that dominate the private prison business claim that they offer the taxpayers a bargain because they operate far more cheaply than do states firms.
B. To be profitable, private prison firms ensure that prions are not only built but also filled.
C. CCA prisons issued more disciplinary reports than did those run by the state.
D. Private prison companies have also begun to push, even if discreetly, for the type of get tough policies needed to ensure their continued growth. (lobbyist)
E. CCA has been especially adept at expansion via political payoffs.
F. Prison industry has also made generous use of the junket as a public relations technique.
IV. Cut Costs
A. Predictably vigorous in seeking ways to cut costs.
B. To ratchet up profit margins, companies have cut corner on drug rehabilitation, counseling, and literacy programs.
C. The companies try to cut costs by offering less training and pay to staff.
D. Poor pay and work conditions have led