Greta Christina's Article
Essay by shane_reece • November 22, 2012 • Article Review • 312 Words (2 Pages) • 1,246 Views
Greta Christina's article looks at love synonymously to the way she looks at life. She believes that soul-mates, romantic destiny, and there being one perfect love for you in the whole world do is wrong. She believes that the focus of love as simply a feeling is a misconception and that love as something you do is more meaningful. She believes the ideology of love as simply feelings lack support due to the fact that feelings change under various circumstances. She believes that love as feelings alone is simply not enough while love in action form is way more meaningful for example being able to hold your tongue in heated situations or basically putting your lover's interests before yours.
Andrew Sullivan's view on love, shown in his article is of a negative form in contrast to Christina's view. Sullivan takes negative quotes of love the are aligned with his opinion on love, simply that love in terms of romance is a joke that society has turned into the key to happiness. He states that the ideology of romantic love has been really pushed onto society via the media for example music and romance movies. Sullivan does not completely throw out the ideology of true love but claims only 1% of the population experience such while the other 99% copulate for other reasons. He also belives valentines day is more abt those who don't have love and their depressive state than those who do, and he also belives that love tends to put a blindingly positive spin on everything which makes one unable to competently see both sides of romantic/non-romantic issues.
In terms of Christina's article, I find it quite interesting due to her ideological take on looking at love from a 'non-woo' perspective. It is thought provocative seeing that most untrained minds don't see love in this light.