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Hitler's Rule in the Third Reich

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Term 3 History Research Paper

Discuss the impacts of Hitler's political, social and economical control of Germany in the Third Reich. (1500 words)

Hitler rose to power after President Hindenburg's demise yielded him presidency in addition to the Chancellor role he already held. This made him the Fuhrer (Supreme Leader) with complete control of Germany. He took numerous political, social and economical measures to ensure his popularity amongst his people so as to prevent rebellion. He already in fact had some of these measures implemented way before Hindenburg's death in August 1934, when he was just Chancellor. These policies kept him in power until his death in 1945.

Hitler's political control was about making him the sole dictator of a totalitarian state without any opposition. Though there was still opposition from different groups like the Communists and the Church, generally he succeeded in busting his enemies. He even got rid of his ally, leader of the Nazi's private army, the Sturmabteilung (SA) Ernst Rohm as he was getting too powerful within the Nazi party and was not highly regarded by the leaders of the German national army. Over that weekend known as the Night of the Long Knives other leading figures of the SA were killed by SS members, accused of plotting to overthrow him. Hindenburg commended Hitler for clamping down on treason and the army, too was pleased with Hitler. After Hindenburg's death Hitler established the Gestapo which infiltrated anti-Nazi organizations and sent their leaders to concentration camps, destroying them. Hitler also agreed with other parties that they would remain in existence provided they stayed out of politics. This allowed the Nazis to take every seat in the Reichstag, and under the Enabling Law Hitler still held from the March 1933 Reichstag Fire, he duly abolished the Reichstrat, the second Parliament for state representatives, such that only himself and his fellow Nazis were in control. As such he was able to obtain control of Germany's civil services and place Nazis in the high-ranking positions such as judges or chief commissioners. These allowed the Nazis to manipulate laws in their favour. Furthermore Hitler presented Germany as an anti-Bolshevik state, finding favour amongst industrialists and the middle classes who resented control over their finances, and the Church, which felt that Bolshevik ideology was wrong.

Hitler's political control helped keep him in power. He purged his rivals to ensure nobody could politically topple him from his post as Fuhrer, and got rid of Rohm who possessed sufficient clout to challenge him from within, in the process making the SA subordinate to the Schutzstaffel (SS) , his private bodyguards. Also he swayed the courts with a huge Nazi bias and this allowed Nazis to commit crimes against opponents and escape the law. It also kept people happy by declaring itself anti-Bolshevism, reducing the possibility of disenchantment and revolt.

Hitler's economic control brought wealth back to Germany's coffers. Hitler's policy of rearmament and his emphasis on military supremacy had positive economic repercussions for Germany. The construction of tanks, aircraft, naval equipment and weapons boosted the steel, iron and engineering sectors, while chemical, coal and the transport industry also benefited from the increased production volumes, while conscription increased the need for uniforms, helping the textile industry. Rearmament also provided 500,000 jobs, and conscription to military service was a form of employment. The need for advanced military technology put many engineers and designers into business. Aid was also provided for the car and agricultural industries and central boards or markets were established to buy up the produce and sell them to the public for the companies involved, therefore they did not bear losses and could afford to employ more staff. Public works like construction of autobahns and clearing of wastelands also provided more jobs. Furthermore Jews, foreigners, anti-Nazis and minority groups were sent to concentration camps and their jobs handed to Aryan Germans, and governmental administrative posts were created. Coupled with encouragement of public spending industry grew and unemployment dropped from 6 million to 250,000 in six years. Trade unions were banned and all workers submitted to the German Labour Front (DAF). Demonstrations and strikes were banned and this increased efficiency of factories and organizations. Trade was also established with Central and Eastern Europe and profits made from exports with important goods acquired through import.

Economic control helped maintain Hitler as the Fuhrer because with commerce booming, proprietors and industrialists would give him their support as his policies widened their profit margins. Citizens got employed and farmers were also helped. Every German was given a slice of the fortune and this kept the general population happy. They all felt part of a great economic revolution and were able to put the dark post-war days behind them. This sense of national pride would eventually be accredited to their leader Hitler. This prosperity, for some, justified the tyranny and iron grip Hitler utilized.

Hitler's social control of Germany falls distinctly into two categories: propaganda and national pride, and a strict disciplinary regime. Firstly, under propaganda, youths in Germany were influenced from as early as the 1920s, under schemes like Little Fellows, Jungvolk, Hitler's Youth and the League of German Maidens. These were heavily scrutinized by Nazis and all other organizations were outlawed. They taught youths to hate Jews and that they were superior because they were Aryan Germans, and to respect Hitler and be willing to die for him. Boys were taught about military service and girls about housekeeping. Both did camping and other activities to unite with others and serve Germany together. Parents were encouraged to have many children such that more youths could join this scheme. Secondly Germans were also brainwashed into discrimination against Jews and other minorities via the media such that the atrocities against them were justified. They also, through broadcasts and newspapers (heavily censored by Nazis), rallies and march parties like the annual Nuremberg rally, developed pro-Nazi sentiments. Joseph Goebbels, Minister for Enlightenment & Propaganda, placed loudspeakers everywhere such that Germans all heard Hitler's speeches and controlled all forms of art. Hitler also promised law and order unlike in Bolshevism, economic expansion and a Ð''Greater Germany' instead of one undermined by the Treaty of Versailles (he tore it up). Germans also took pride



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