Summary of Nick Joaquin's Summer Solstice
Essay by review • February 3, 2011 • Research Paper • 4,554 Words (19 Pages) • 5,418 Views
Nick Joaquin
The Summer Solstice
THE MORETAS WERE spending St. John's Day with the children's grandfather, whose feast day it was. DoÑa Lupeng awoke feeling faint with the heat, a sound of screaming in her ears. In the dining room the three boys already attired in their holiday suits, were at breakfast, and came crowding around her, talking all at once.
"How long you have slept, Mama!"
"We thought you were never getting up!"
"Do we leave at once, huh? Are we going now?"
"Hush, hush I implore you! Now look: your father has a headache, and so have I. So be quiet this instant--or no one goes to Grandfather."
Though it was only seven by the clock the house was already a furnace, the windows dilating with the harsh light and the air already burning with the immense, intense fever of noon.
She found the children's nurse working in the kitchen. "And why is it you who are preparing breakfast? Where is Amada?" But without waiting for an answer she went to the backdoor and opened it, and the screaming in her ears became wild screaming in the stables across the yard. "Oh my God!" she groaned and, grasping her skirts, hurried across the yard.
In the stables Entoy, the driver, apparently deaf to the screams, was hitching the pair of piebald ponies to the coach.
"Not the closed coach, Entoy! The open carriage!" shouted DoÑa Lupeng as she came up.
"But the dust, seÑora--"
"I know, but better to be dirty than to be boiled alive. And what ails your wife, eh? Have you been beating her again?"
"Oh no, seÑora: I have not touched her."
"Then why is she screaming? Is she ill?"
"I do not think so. But how do I know? You can go and see for yourself, seÑora. She is up there."
When DoÑa Lupeng entered the room, the big half-naked woman sprawled across the bamboo bed stopped screaming. DoÑa Lupeng was shocked.
"What is this Amada? Why are you still in bed at this hour? And in such a posture! Come, get up at once. You should be ashamed!"
But the woman on the bed merely stared. Her sweat-beaded brows contracted, as if in an effort to understand. Then her face relax her mouth sagged open humorously and, rolling over on her back and spreading out her big soft arms and legs, she began noiselessly quaking with laughter--the mute mirth jerking in her throat; the moist pile of her flesh quivering like brown jelly. Saliva dribbled from the corners of her mouth.
DoÑa Lupeng blushed, looking around helplessly, and seeing that Entoy had followed and was leaning in the doorway, watching stolidly, she blushed again. The room reeked hotly of intimate odors. She averted her eyes from the laughing woman on the bed, in whose nakedness she seemed so to participate that she was ashamed to look directly at the man in the doorway.
"Tell me, Entoy: has she had been to the Tadtarin?"
"Yes, seÑora. Last night."
"But I forbade her to go! And I forbade you to let her go!"
"I could do nothing."
"Why, you beat her at the least pretext!"
"But now I dare not touch her."
"Oh, and why not?"
"It is the day of St. John: the spirit is in her."
"But, man--"
"It is true, seÑora. The spirit is in her. She is the Tadtarin. She must do as she pleases. Otherwise, the grain would not grow, the trees would bear no fruit, the rivers would give no fish, and the animals would die."
"Naku, I did no know your wife was so powerful, Entoy."
"At such times she is not my wife: she is the wife of the river, she is the wife of the crocodile, she is the wife of the moon."
"BUT HOW CAN they still believe such things?" demanded DoÑa Lupeng of her husband as they drove in the open carriage through the pastoral countryside that was the arrabal of Paco in the 1850's.
Don Paeng darted a sidelong glance at his wife, by which he intimated that the subject was not a proper one for the children, who were sitting opposite, facing their parents.
Don Paeng, drowsily stroking his moustaches, his eyes closed against the hot light, merely shrugged.
"And you should have seen that Entoy," continued his wife. "You know how the brute treats her: she cannot say a word but he thrashes her. But this morning he stood as meek as a lamb while she screamed and screamed. He seemed actually in awe of her, do you know--actually afraid of her!"
"Oh, look, boys--here comes the St. John!" cried DoÑa Lupeng, and she sprang up in the swaying carriage, propping one hand on her husband's shoulder wile the other she held up her silk parasol.
And "Here come the men with their St. John!" cried voices up and down the countryside. People in wet clothes dripping with well-water, ditch-water and river-water came running across the hot woods and fields and meadows, brandishing cans of water, wetting each other uproariously, and shouting San Juan! San Juan! as they ran to meet the procession.
Up the road, stirring a cloud of dust, and gaily bedrenched by the crowds gathered along the wayside, a concourse of young men clad only in soggy trousers were carrying aloft an image of the Precursor. Their teeth flashed white in their laughing faces and their hot bodies glowed crimson as they pranced past, shrouded in fiery dust, singing and shouting and waving their arms: the St. John riding swiftly above the sea of dark heads and glittering