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Things They Don't Want You to Know

Essay by   •  April 13, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,369 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,050 Views

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Things They Don't Want you to Know:

1. In 2005 George W. Bush made an agreement with the prime minister of Canada and the president of Mexico to combine the three nations into the "North American Union"Like the European Union, we will lose our sovereignty, our currency (to be replaced with the "Amero") and our Constituion...A "new one" will be drafted. This is on the table and supposed to begin in 2010. Why do you think our government isn't doing anything about illegal immigration? It's because pretty soon we'll all be one country anyways. Oh there are some papers on the table to secure the southern border by 2010, but its the border between Mexico and Guatemala. Now why would the US government be worried about that? isn't that th Mexican governments problem? It's because soon that border will be OUR border.

2. When this all goes down, you will be required to go and get a "NAU Identification Card" a sort of internal passport that proves you are a citizen in the NAU.

3. You will then be required to get a computer chip implanted in your hand that holds all of your financial information, so when you buy things you scan your hand and thats it. If you refuse to conform and receive this chip, you will be unable to buy or sell. Sound familiar? read the book of revelations 13:16-18

"...And he causes all, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or forehead, and he provides that no one should be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wosdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hudred and sixty six."

If you rebel after receiving this chip, "They" will just de-activate your chip, and you will be fuckT, completely unable to function financialy.

4. The mark of the beast is the barcode.

Go grab something, anything with a full sized barcode on it. All the little black and white lines you see actually create a binary code. 10101. The bar all the way to the left, in the middle, and all the way to the right are the "guide bars". They go down farther than the skinnier ones inbetween them. So the pattern of the bars makes bar-space-bar-space-bar. 10101. Well believe it or not Satan worshipers use several different numeric and alpha-numeric systems than our own. In their main numeral system 60 is equivalent to 10. So for instance to us 1000 dollars is an even amount to us, but to them 600 or 6000 would be even. 6-6-600-6000-60,000 instead of 1-10-100-1000-10,000. So binary, 10101 is actually 60606= 666. So essentialy "receiving the mark" has already happened to society as a whole, because everything we buy has a barcode on it. When we are to be marked, it will be an injection of some sort of computer chip, with some form of barcode on it, that will be scanned at stores like a product. So you will have 666 in your hand, just like the book of revelations sais.

5. You have been mentaly conditioned to submit to something like this happening for years by way of the mass media. Music, movies, television. The reason Hollywood is named Hollywood is because druids used the wood from holly trees to make magical wands out of. So they cast a spell on you with holly-wood. All the people who own all the television studios, movie studios, major record companies, all that shit, are all part of the scheme to enslave your soul and control your thinking. The masses of the sheeple are brainwashed into accepting the status quo, beleiving the media, trusting the government, listening to authority figures without question, and in general thinking that anyone who thinks differently from them is in some way wird, or crazy.

So stop listening, and start THINKING. Stop blindly beleiving and start QUESTIONING. Stop listening to rappers who are all " im so hood cause i got milions of dollars in jewlry and a 18 million dollar home" 'cause in the end the purposes that they are serving are making most of us conform to society by getting a "good job" so you can afford "nice things" AND by influencing some of us get into criminal shit so we can have "nice things"

6. The police are the P.owers O.f L.ucifer I.n C.ontrol. E.verywhere

The police and the justuce system are instruments of fear. They are used to create a society police fearing, prison fearing people. If you don't conform to the norm, you will end up in jail. It's that simple. The officers themselves don't know the difference, they are just doing their job, copping a paycheck. But in reality they are merely serving a bigger purpose, which



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