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What You See, Isn't What You Get

Essay by   •  February 5, 2011  •  Essay  •  752 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,297 Views

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What You See, Isn't What You Get

Growing up we have all heard the little saying, "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit," " What you see, is what you get," "don't judge a book by its cover," and many others that are along this line. All of these sayings have to deal with appearances, something we are all to familiar with. We all see it in our day live, weather it be at school, on televison, or the radio. Appearance is what the media is about

For example, Hollywood is nothing but glamours to someone who has never been there. Nothing but movie stars, televison actors, and singers walking the street, right? Well sure there are going to be these people walking around the street. However, does anyone realize that there millions of other people that walk those streets too that are not movies stars, televison stars, or singers, but doctors, lawyers, scientists, and other respectable jobs.

Hollywood has to be one of the biggest mis-representative cities. For example, movie stars, televison actors, and singers are the obsessions of many people. Being stocked by millions of fans and flashing cameras. They seem to be perfect in every way, they seem to have the china doll skin, the shiniest hair, and the fit and trim bodies with little effort. The impression is the one of Hollywood's way of being glamours, to bad it is all lies. Many movie stars, televison actors, and singers have professionals that spend hours on them every morning and before every big event to make sure they look perfect. Also, those body of their that seem to have not a single ounce of fat on the them and are perfect, didn't just happen. Movie stars, televison actors, and singers work hours on their bodies to sculpt them and make their bodies look the way they do.

Appearance effect us all, and in different ways. Most people often start to think about their looks on the outside are how they will be represented on the inside. We first start to deal with these thoughts and problems in middle school. Where the people you hang out with are who label you and who you are. I know everyone knows what I am talking about, do you not remember being the prep, jock, loser, brain, nerd, or something other. We didn't even have to be smart to be labeled a brain, all you had to do was dress like one and hang with them and everyone would think you were smart. Another example are the losers, most losers were labeled



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