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21st Century Critical Thinking and Problem Solving - Global Warming

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Natalie Russe Elkins

21st Century Critical Thinking and Problem Solving


Professor Samia Humphrey

Global Warming

Global warming is increasing rapidly due to the high use of carbon dioxide; high temperatures have raised the risk of diseases and economic downfall. Due to the lack of awareness and responsibility the use of this chemicals has caused irreparable damage to the earth. There has been numerous analysts, researchers, and hippies that are communicating many worries about changes in the general atmosphere of the earth. Some say that a drastically hazardous warming is occurring in large worldwide atmosphere. This is recognized as the greenhouse effect. Global warming is a direct threat to society due to the high amount of carbon dioxide, high temperatures and economic downfall. 

The use of carbon dioxide (Greenhouse gasses) has had an increase on global warming due to the amount of burning fossil and land use. It will continue to worsen throughout the next decades. As the air contamination builds, more chemical gases are formed this is the effect that occurs when burning fossil fuels. “Climate change is a serious future challenge of the 21st century along with the land use changes, degradations of soils, deforestation, burning of fossils fuel and industrializations” (Technology Times, October 22, 2017). Since the modern development, there have been more manufacturing plants, cars and other different industries releasing carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the environment. Unfortunately, air pollution has formed throughout decades from burning fossil fuels. This has caused temperature rise and the different climates that have been occurring on earth. Due to the severe increases of carbon dioxide in the environment we have seen drastic climate changes most in raising temperatures through the world. (Rafi Letzter, February 2019).

Temperatures keep increasing every year. People are seeing more frequent and more dangerous heatwaves, this is an extreme weather affect by global warming. Ever since the industrial revolution, global warming has risen by about 1 Celsius which has made a great impact on earth. This is caused temperatures to increase and is producing Antarctica to lose ice much faster than anticipated. Studies in that were completed in 2016, advised the seas could rise by up to 3 meters by 2100. (Zoë Schlanger, February 28, 2018). Plant development is also affected by climate change. The major impact of warmer temperatures will be the development of grains and vegetation. Effects of temperature are expanded by water shortages and abundance soil water showing the collaboration of temperature and water, it will be expected to grow progressively and show successful adjustment methods to balance the effects of more important temperature outrageous occasions related with an evolving atmosphere. An increase in high temperatures throughout the last decade, studies show that this can cause an economic downfall in our future.

Increased temperatures are expected to reduce the amount of livestock farming, fisheries and aquaculture. “The IPCC calls climate change a "poverty multiplier", this means that more and more people will become poor if not poorer. (Sue Williams, December 3, 2018). A recent report predicted that $34.4 trillion, would be the economic damage if global warming is not reversed. As immense modern nations keep on producing carbon into the air, creating nations that don't have a similar industry capacity will be the most affected. The earth will continue to see an increase of catastrophic weather which causes major damages in our country. This is a huge importance towards the economic downfall since many countries do not have the resources nor the income to sustain such a catastrophic issue. “This has also caused coastal communities in 15 states that depend on the $1 billion nationwide annual harvest of oysters, clams, and other shelled mollusks face similar long-term economic risks”. (Kat Kerlin, February 24, 2015). Humans should start making better choices in the way they live, start making changes for instance, they should all become environmentally viable, and keep up a greener life on earth.



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