A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Letters of Recommendation
Essay by review • November 23, 2010 • Research Paper • 9,118 Words (37 Pages) • 4,606 Views
English for Specific Purposes, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 241-265, 1998
Ð'© 1998 The American University. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd
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PII: S0889-4906(97)00012-4
A Cross-cultural Comparison of Letters of
Kristen Precht
Abstract--Letters of recommendation (LRs) from different countries are as
individual as the local academic cultures from which they arise. Distinct
regional patterns emerged in this comparative study of letters of recommendation
from the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Eastern
Europe. Two types of analysis were performed: first, a quantitative analysis
examined features such as linearity, symmetry, data integration, advance
organizers and sentence types; second, a qualitative analysis examined the
content of the sections of the letters. Differences were found cross-culturally
in the quantitative analysis. Significant differences were also found in the
organizational patterns and methods of support. Organizational patterns
varied from topical to chronological organization. LR writers from different
regions supported their recommendation of the applicant with different types
of evidence, from factual lists of achievements to storytelling. The format
of the letters themselves showed similarities cross-culturally. Ð'© 1998 The
American University. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
A great deal has been written in the past decade on cross-cultural differences
in academic writing; not surprisingly most of this attention has
been focused on the research article. Little notice has been given to the less
public texts of the academic community, aptly named occluded genres in
Swales (1996). The purpose of these texts is primarily to conduct the business
of the academic community--requesting reprints, recommending students,
reviewing articles, evaluating colleagues, and so forth. Since these
occluded genres are private documents, they are much more likely to retain
their authors' cultural influences than are the more public, highly stylized
texts such as research articles. That is, according to Swales, the rhetorical
patterns of the L1 would likely be more pronounced in these private,
occluded texts than in research articles, and therefore the study of the
occluded genres might yield some interesting cross-cultural comparisons.
Cross-cultural comparisons of texts promise to give insight into the differences
in the way that the same intention is expressed from one culture
Address correspondence to: Kristen Precht, Department of English, Northern Arizona University, Box 6032.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001, USA.
242 K. Precht
to another. Though intentions may be the same cross-culturally, differences
in verbal and nonverbal expression are as subtle as the degree of directness
that's considered appropriate in making a request, or as obvious as a bow
vs a handshake. A comparison of ways cultures express themselves in
writing is undertaken in contrastive rhetoric.
In examining the discourse of letters themselves, one can see elements
of both spoken and written discourse, as well as a great deal of variety, from
the very formal business letter to the chatty holiday newsletter, each type
with a host of expectations as to form, structure, and content. Within academia
itself there are many types of letters, from submission letters, to
reprint requests, to correspondence with colleagues and editors. Amidst all
the academic correspondence, letters of recommendation for graduate
school are a particularly interesting text type to study cross-culturally; they
are occluded, and representative of local academic culture. LRs themselves
can vary to a certain degree within a given cultural context (recommending
either admission, or funding, or advancement), but the intention of recommending
a student or junior colleague allows for a great deal of functional
similarity in LRs, as most admission or fellowship committee members
will readily attest. Bouton (1995) highlighted important differences in the
structure of LRs from different Asian countries and the United States; the
present study seeks to look more carefully at cultural differences in discourse
features, content, and semantics.
The cross-cultural study of LRs also highlights a more practical aspect of
contrastive rhetoric research. As the graduate programs in the United States