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A Report on Recall of High and Low Imagery Words

Essay by   •  May 3, 2016  •  Research Paper  •  844 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,379 Views

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High and Low Imagery Recall Words

Ginger Dooty

Northeastern State University


                                High and Low Imagery Recall Words


Participants. Randomly selected participants, varying in age; two female and two male. The participants consist of one female, (age 39) and one male, (age 33) having a High School diploma and one female, (age 16) and one male, (age 18) still attending High School. Each individual was read the instructions and had no questions on the directions of the experiment.

Material. The material used for the paired-associate word experiment was produced by Paivio’s (1981) Imagery and Familiarity rating for 2448 words: unpublished norms.  The experiment design consist of two PowerPoint slides. The first PowerPoint consist of 40, ten second slides; (15) pairs of words that are high in imagery content and (15) pairs of words that are low in imagery content. Plus, the (10) fillers pairs, the fillers are added to decrease recency and primacy effects upon recall. All imagery words are centered, all CAPS, and set at 44 point; Times New Roman. The (40) PowerPoint slide show begins with (5) randomly chosen filler word slides, (30) randomly placed paired-associate high and low imagery words slides, then ending with the remaining (5) filler words slides. The second PowerPoint consist of (30) slides with randomly selected single, (15) high and (15) low imagery words from the paired-associate imagery words in the PowerPoint slides, again each slide is set to view at ten seconds, all CAPS, 44 point and Times New Roman.  



The procedure for the experiment begins with the following instructions read to the participants: I have a PowerPoint presentation. On each slide there are two nouns, such as ‘able’ and ‘coffee’. Your task is to learn these noun pairings so that when, at a later time, I give you another slide that only has ‘table’ on it you can recall the word ‘coffee’ and say it to me. I will then write down your response. The procedure I will follow is this: first; I will give you a series of different slides, each displayed for 10 seconds. On each slide will be two words. You are to learn that these two words are paired together; after completed this set of slides I will turn to a second file of slides. I will show you one slide at a time for 10 seconds. During that time you are to tell me that word which you think was associated with it. Always guess even if you cannot remember the associated word. Are there any questions? (Paivio) After directions are read and all questions have been meet the participants (in a comfortable easily viewed setting) will begin with the first PowerPoint Slide; the (40) paired-associate imagery words. Immediately after the first PowerPoint slides, the participant will be notified that the second slide show will present one of the two words and within the ten second period what the associated word is. If not sure, you must guess. Every word response will be recorded. After completing the experiment the participants will be asked how they learned and recalled the words, after recoding the response the participant will be debriefed on the purpose of the experiment.



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