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A Response to Descarts Meditation 1

Essay by   •  November 2, 2010  •  Essay  •  518 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,883 Views

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I think descarts was right about the only thing we can truly

know is that we exist. All other thoughts, feelings, perseptinons and the like must be qustioned. Becuse we are human and to be human is to be falible. We can not assume

that we are corect in our basic asumtions about anything. Even the idea that we do exist (in some context) must be qustioned. The answer to that qustioning must inevitably be yes. I as the preciver of the world must exist. My capeability to ask "Do I infact exist ?" is proof that "I am". Descarts I think was well aware that what he proposed did not go far enuf. At least not to truly

test the boundrys of our ability to look into our own ignorance of truth. But in those times to propose such a theory was to sentance yourself to death. Hence some dilution of the primary theses was required. I think however that descarts did a masterful job of laying a trail of crumbs. That anyone could follow without actually

saying that witch he knew would lead to greate personal misfortune, if not his own untimely demise.

I also agree with descarts that we, as humans are somewhat incapeable of truly

laying aside all belife in that witch we can not be entirely serton of. but insted we must resighn ourselves to ocationaly look off into the void of our own ignorance and contemplate what meaning this may have to our lives and our understanding of the world in witch we live. I am strongly convinced that if we, as humans are to develop

in to newer and grater insighs, we must learn to set aside that witch we think we know. Even if only briefly

and only in an abstract way. This i feel is true becuse it is exactly that process that teaches us to not only think outside the box but to discard the notion of the box. So we can truly

make new inovations rather than jest take the next step down the path that others have set for us.

I how ever am in something of a dis agreement with decarts posison that any of us are any more or less sane. The thought that his "mad men" are less athuritive about the true nature of reality is faulty if truth is determined by the belife of the masses then in columbuses time the world really



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