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A Study on the Probability of Graduates Getting Jobs in Their Respective Arena of Studies

Essay by   •  June 6, 2016  •  Case Study  •  1,120 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,011 Views

Essay Preview: A Study on the Probability of Graduates Getting Jobs in Their Respective Arena of Studies

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A Study on the probability of Graduates getting jobs in their respective arena of studies.     

  1. Purpose of the Study:
  1. Symptoms & problems:

In today’s world education is not only a requirement but rather became a necessity. But an important factor is that whether or not students are acquiring the right knowledge as it is very much essential because after all education is acquired to earn a living and enhance a better standard of living. The purpose of the research will be to highlight why students/fresh graduates are not able to secure a job in their specific arena of studies. What constraints or barriers do not enable them to achieve a job in their arena of interest?

  1. Background information / Secondary Data:

We inhabit in a society where competition is extremely high in terms of securing a good carrier. Population is now very much concerned on how to focus and develop ones skill, knowledge and ability to earn a good living and enhance a very prosperous standard of living. The report will focus on why a student studying a particular subject is not able to get a job related to their area of study.  

  1. Rationale or justification of the study:

As per requirement it’s given to prepare a report for learning how to prepare a research report and how to develop report writing skill. Its help us to develop in this area. As learning stage at first identify a problem and read few articles from secondary sources. And after that I decided that I work on this topic.  I prepared questionnaire for developing my study and try to identify possible solution which help us to reduce the problem.

Now days as companies look for candidates with high analytical skills and good decision making abilities. But the matter of fact is, are the students able to develop them accordingly meeting the requirements of the employers. Are the students able to groom them accordingly? Are the students’ academic institutions able to provide students a platform to prepare them in accordance to the requirements of the employers? The study will focus and highlight to make an attempt and help students focus on areas to help them meet the requirements of employers.

  1. Objectives of the Study:

Objective of the study is to fulfil the goal of this research. To illustrate the objective properly present into two parts:

  • Primary Objective: The primary objective of this study is to focus on areas where students need to prepare themselves to attain a job meeting their arena of study.
  • Specific Objective:
  • To highlight the requirements of employers.
  • To analyse that whether academic institutions are able to produce graduates meeting the requirement of the employers.
  • Try to give some solution to reduce this problems.

  1. Research Design
  1. Research Methodology:

This research is descriptive research. The study will be conducted to gather an in depth understanding of the employer’s requirement and the capability of students to meet them. This research has made use of survey method. Survey is conducted among randomly selected students of University level and the range of respondents will be from 35-50. And also will be engaged in different professional area or own business work.

Survey will be conducted through questionnaire focusing on specific bound questions.

  1. Sample Design:

Sample means the part of population. The data will be collected through personal interviews or through emails. The study will focus to gather data from basically fresh graduates who are entirely new to the corporate world aging form 24-30.

  1. Data Gathering:

For this study to identify the problem I am going to use primary data & secondary data. Primary data are collected from the sample of population. For collecting primary data I am using a survey techniques. And secondary data are collected from different website, articles or journals.

  1. Data Processing:

Once data is collected, it will be undergo processing through various statistical calculations or techniques. Statistical tools will be used to give an approximate measurement of data required subjected to the purpose of the study.

  1. Report Preparation:

All the information gathered from the study will be then documented as report accordingly serving the true purpose of the study.

  1. Time Schedule:

To fulfil the purpose of the study and complete the necessary, I assume it might take an approximation of 28-30 days.



Submit the proposal

3 days.

Data Gathering

12 days

Analysis the data

10 days

Problem Identification and recommendation

3 days

Report documentation and submission

2 days



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