A World Lit only by Fire
Essay by carly0 • August 20, 2016 • Essay • 1,598 Words (7 Pages) • 1,615 Views
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A World Lit Only By Fire
by William Manchester
Study Guide Questions
- Whose country was “the back of a horse?” What does it mean?
- English records show that out of every hundred murderers, how many were brought to justice?
- How many knights were “hacked to death” in the 1240 Dusseldorf tourney?
- How many conquered rebels did Charlemagne have beheaded for refusing baptism?
- According to Augustine, what were the two divisions of mankind?
- Who was the first to teach that sex was evil and that salvation was possible only through the intercession of the Virgin Mary?
- What did Canossa symbolize? Is it a valid symbol?
- Who was “history’s most celebrated iconoclast” and why?
- “At any given moment the most dangerous enemy in Europe was _____.” Who was it?
- Why were papal proclamations called “bulls”?
- Where did the popes live from 1305 to 1377?
- What two things did medieval man lack awareness of?
- What factors led to the demise of knighthood?
- When did the West rediscover Aristotle?
- After Magellan, who was the next to navigate the “Straights of Magellan” successfully and survive to tell the tale?
- What was a “blackbirder”?
- What was the fate of the Iberian Jews near the end of the 15th century?
- Who invented the rifle and when?
- What was “perhaps the most celebrated crime of the Middle Ages”?
- What country were the Borgias from, and how did they become popes?
- Who said, “God has given us the papacy, let us enjoy it”?
- When did the Roman Catholic Church establish the rule of celibacy for the clergy?
- How many children did Leo X father?
- Who was “the ultimate pontifical disaster,” and why?
- Who declared that the pope “is no longer a Christian. He is an infidel, a heretic, and as such has ceased to be a pope”?
- Who attempted to have the leaders of the Medici family in Florence murdered during Mass in the Cathedral?
- According to Tacitus, Julius Caesar had interviewed men who had walked entirely across Europe without once catching sight of what?
- What was Europe’s most populous country in 1500, and what was its population?
- What were the three largest cities in Europe in 1500, and what were their populations?
- What was the banking family that became prominent in the Hansa and then all of Europe?
- Who was “der Gross Max”?
- Name three kings who borrowed from the Fuggers.
- In England during the reigns of Henry VII and Henry VIII, what was the daily per capita allowance of beer?
- How large was the average man?
- Half of all people died before reaching what age?
- What were lepers, prostitutes, and Jews required to wear?
- What was illegal to wear unless you were nobly born (aristocratic)?
- Who built the first standing clock in England, and when?
- What was the “Nuremberg Egg”?
- What was used as a substitute for long prison sentences?
- When and where was the use of a diamond as an engagement ring introduced?
- Who were the cleanest people in Europe?
- At what age could girls legally marry? Boys?
- Who describe life as being “nasty, brutish, and short”?
- Identify a few of the achievements of the “uneducated, illegitimate son of an Anchiano county girl.”
- In 1513, who became “first painter and engineer” to Frances I?
- At the time of the invention of printing, what percentage of men and women in Europe were illiterate?
- What professions were the most literate? The least?
- What subjects made up the trivium and the quadrivium?
- Who fought and died in “the Great Slaughter”?
- What did Sir Thomas More denounce as “as profitable as milking a he-goat into a sieve”?
- Who was England’s poet laureate, tutor to the young future king Henry VIII?
- What did Martin Luther identify as the greatest enemy of faith?
- What two challenges did Humanism present to the Church?
- What was Erasmus’ father’s profession?
- What special gift did Erasmus possess which gave him a great influence upon the upper and middle classes?
- Which represents Erasmus’ humor: the broadsword or the rapier?
- Who was the “warrior pope”?
- What consistent theme of Erasmus’ works enraged the clergy?
- What crisis led Pope Leo X to announce a “special sale” of indulgences in 1517?
- Who became “the most famous man to misjudge Professor Martin Luther”?
- What did Satan and Luther throw at each other (allegedly)?
- Where was Luther when he experienced his great insight into God’s justice and man’s salvation?
- To what aspect indulgences did Luther object most of all?
- How long would it take a traveler to reach Lisbon from Venice? To reach Damascus? Constantinople? Alexandria?
- What was suggested by “Pitchfork John”?
- How did Luther escape arrest in Augsburg in October, 1518?
- Name 4 Germans who, before Luther, martyred for saying the same things he said.
- What position taken by Luther in debate with Eck at Leipzig in 1519 revealed him as “an unshriven, un repentant apostate”?
- What were the 3 weaknesses pf Pope Leo X?
- List those who votes elected the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
- Who did Pope Leo X want to become the new Holy Roman Emperor in 1518 instead of Charles V? Why was this ironic?
- What did Luther burn in a bonfire on December 10, 1520?
- Who called the Vatican a “gigantic bloodsucking worm”?
- How did Luther exploit the rising spirit of German nationalism (Herrenolki)?
- How much money did Luther estimate was sent to Rome annually from Germany?
- To what was Luther referring when he wrote in 1520 , “We here come to the heart of the matter.”?
- What did Luther find more acceptable than divorce?
- What did Erasmus say were Luther’s 2 major blunders?
- At the Diet of Worms, what did Luther offer to recant?
- In what languages did Luther and the Emperor Charles speak?
- What was the German symbol of revolution?
- What alias did Luther adopt while in hiding?
- To what was historian Thomas Carlyle referring when he spoke of “the greatest moment in the modern history of man”?
- What was the most popular Protestant dogma, and how did Erasmus view it?
- What oath was taken by the knights who escorted Luther to his trial at worms in 1521?
- Who said, “I do not admit that my doctrine can be judged by anyone, even by angels.”?
- Who laid the egg that Luther hatched?
- Which side did the Fuggers support in the Reformation?
- When was Erasmus excommunicated and branded a heretic?
- Whose body was quartered and then burned on a pile of excrement?
- How did Luther view Copernicus?
- How long did Calvin view Copernicus?
- What city represented the ultimate in repression?
- How did Calvin deal with the issues of abortion and illegitimacy?
- Who was the only Dutch pope in history?
- “In truth everyone is convinced that all this has happened as a judgment of God on the great tyranny and disorders of the papal court.” To what was the speaker referring (in 1526)?
- What is the meaning of the title of the book, “a world lit only by fire”?
- For what profession had Henry VIII been trained, before his elder brother’s death put him on the throne?
- Who said (to a Catholic Priest), “If God spare me, ere many years I will cause the boy that driveth the plow to know more of the Scripture than you do.”?
- Which European monarch was designated by the pope in the 1520’s as a “Defender of the Faith”? Why was this ironic?
- What was the consensus of opinion among Catholic scholars across Europe regarding Henry VIII’s request for an annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon?
- How much of the land in England was owned by the Catholic Church when Henry broke away?
- Who died “the King’s good servant, but God’s first”?
- Name 3 famous Protestant martyrs of Mary’s reign?
- Who was Michelangelo’s lifelong idol?
- According to William Manchester, what destroyed the Renaissance?
- Why did the medieval church believe the earth was flat?
- How was it that Henry of Portugal became interested in the study of navigation?
- What were rutters and why were they important?
- How did Magellan have access to Portuguese rutters?
- Why was Magellan unable to recruit quality seamen for his expedition?
- Why didn’t Magellan take the most direct route from Spain to Brazil?
- What 2 things did Magellan do in Rio de Janeiro in 1519?
- What event occurred on April 2, 1520 of Magellan’s voyage?
- Who was the only mutineer to be executed, and who else died?
- Why did Magellan call the islands across the Strait of Magellan “Tierra del Fuego”-the “Land of Fire”?
- What sight caused Magellan to burst into tears in November, 1520?
- Where did Magellan finally reach land (March 6, 1521) and replenish his supplies after crossing the Pacific?
- What name did Magellan give the Philippines? For whom were they latter renamed?
- Who was the first person to complete a circumnavigation of the globe?
- What obsession overcame Magellan while anchored in the Philippines?
- What part of Magellan’s body was returned to Spain?
- Why did the friendly Filipinos eventually turn against them?
- What was ironic about the fact that the one surviving ship of Magellan’s fleet was piloted home by Cano?
- How many men completed the voyage? How many started it?
- Who was honored by the Spanish people for achieving the circumnavigation of the globe?
- Of all the tributes to Magellan, which, according to William Manchester, is most appropriate?
- What problem was discovered with the ship’s log/diary upon its return to Spain on September 7, 1522?
- What was “the crowning triumph of the age, the final, decisive blow to the past”?
- When were the works of Copernicus and Galileo removed from the Catholic Index of Forbidden Books?
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