Abortion Case
Essay by marquese1998 • November 23, 2012 • Essay • 933 Words (4 Pages) • 1,405 Views
Many points come up in the abortion debate. Some believe that life begins at conception, others believe that since the child hasn't been born, human life doesn't exist. In the essay, I will explain why abortion should be easily available for women who have an unwanted pregnancy due to the following reasons: they lack the means to support a child, they have been raped or incest, and why some people who are against abortion
First, the woman may lack the means to support a child. The cost of having a baby starts at $10,158 this doesn't include the expenses to care for the child until, the age of eighteen years old. The child can be subjected to greater risk of being born at low birth weight, dying in the first year of life, and lacking sufficient nutritional resources for a healthy development. A woman who is forced to carry out an unwanted pregnancy is at risk. Futhermore, the mother and her partner are more likely to suffer through economics distress and fail to raise the child successfully. In the case of rape or incest, forcing a woman that becomes pregnant by this violent act would cause further psychological harm to the victim. Often a woman is too afraid to speak up or is unaware she is pregnant, thus the morning after pill is ineffective in these situations. It is not imaginable what kind of torture it would be for a woman to unwillingly bare a child conceived due to rape or incest. Rape victims, as well as women who find themselves unable or unfit to raise a child, should have the right to an abortion.
* The decision of a woman to not bring forth a possible future human being is actually far less tragic than the lives of developing fetuses that are unwanted and unloved, resulting in individuals who are disadvantaged from the moment that they begin to be able to sense these things in the womb in the later stages of pregnancy, whose lives are troubled from even before their birth. A woman who knows that she lacks the financial means or the familial support or the inner strength to raise a child, perhaps a child with severe incapacities or a child that was conceived through unthinkable violence or force, a women intrinsically understands that the choices that she makes during pregnancy have less to do with other people's beliefs in the supposed right to the imagined life of a possible future human being, and more to do with her own intuition about whether she will be able to carry through a pregnancy with love in her heart, food in her belly, strength in her body, and access to medical and other support so that she can bring forth a child who will have hope for a good life, rather than someone whose very beginnings are filled with stress and despair. These things matter. Allowing women to decide for themselves whether they are ready and willing to take on the responsibility, pain, and life long devotion that pregnancy involves results in less human misery and more well-adjusted persons, which would seem to be a good goal for society.
Women, and in some cases girls, who have been raped should not have to suffer the additional torment of being pregnant with the product of that ordeal. To force a woman to produce a living, constant reminder of that act is unfair on both mother