Essay by Fran Harris • August 21, 2015 • Essay • 843 Words (4 Pages) • 1,408 Views
Francine Harris
August 21,2015
Abortions? How would you feel if someone takes your life? If a woman decides to abort her baby, that’s taking away an innocent child’s life, I don’t support abortions because it’s considered to be murder, it can harm the mother because there’s many other answers besides having an abortion. Abortions is a very controversial issue affecting our very own society. There’s not a lot of Laws that prohibits abortions to actually prevent the women from making the wrong choices that enables them to live a healthy lifestyle of their choice once the decision was made. On the other hand, we as women believe that it’s always our Constitutional rights as well as our legal rights to make a choice by keeping or killing the unborn child due to certain situations such as rape, incest, or health issues that may be life threating to the mother’s life.
Abortion is a huge issue in our society today. So many people truly thinks it is pure evil and against their religions to kill an unborn child. Abortions should be illegal because it denies the baby rights’, it also causes mental issues for the mother, and some women think that they have no other choice but to have an abortion.
Abortions doesn’t just hurt the child it also hurts the mother. Some women regret ever having an abortion because it can also create a mental illness further on in life. Most of the time some women are pressured by a boyfriend, husband, family and even friends to make you feel guilty about the baby and then convincing you to have an abortion. One of my reasons why I’m against abortions will be because it’s wrong to kill an innocent child due to the decisions that’s made to end a lifeless child’s life because life is so precious and we should respect that no matter what. Unborn babies are innocent and they should be given a chance to live a normal life because they didn’t ask to be here. A mother will always have the “right to choose” to go along with the decision to terminate an innocent child’s life. So many that lives in the United States are forced to have an abortion due to the religious, medical issues, and the most important their own personal rights. We as women needs to speak about abortions because we as people need to know the effect and of course the facts of taking an innocent life.
The mother will have a lot of side effects after having the abortion such as Regret, Anger, Guilty feelings, Shame, Sense Loneliness or isolating yourself, Loss of Confidence, Nightmares ,Relationship Issues, Depression and Anxiety.(AmericanPregancy.org)Most