Essay by review • February 12, 2011 • Essay • 530 Words (3 Pages) • 1,240 Views
Webster's Online Dictionary defines the term 'addiction' as a "Compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful." As a teenager in today's world, there are many addictions that must be faced every day. Many people consider a wide range of things to be addictive, such as coffee and energy drinks, television, shopping, etc. The focus of this paper is going to be on addictions that are known to be physically harmful to the human body like nicotine and alcohol.
As an addicted cigarette smoker for a few years now, I have a strong viewpoint on this subject. Cigarettes have to be one of the most ridiculous and stupid things ever created. Why are people addicted to cigarettes? In my case, it has pretty much become a routine daily thing. After every meal that I consume, I smoke the best cigarette of my life. When I'm bored beyond my mind, cigarettes are there to keep me busy. Now, I have tried to quit a few times, but it's these routine daily things that keep me coming back. Going a whole day without a cigarette brings out the grumpiness and unfriendliness inside of me. This is not how I like to be, so I light up a cigarette.
Alcoholism is a very controversial subject. Some say it is actually a disease that is inherited from your family. Others view it as a simple addiction like nicotine. As it does run through my father's side of the family, I cannot say if it is inherited or not. Many people drink for recreation, being around their friends and having a good time. Others drink because they are addicted. Signs of addiction to alcohol include things like loss of control over drinking. You may intend to have two or three drinks, but before you know it, you are on your tenth. Alcoholism is running rampant in this country. Everybody knows an alcoholic. These people are not the same as the average recreational drinker. Excuse my language, but I believe that getting "sh*t-faced" is the first sign of alcoholism. Now, some may completely stop drinking after they experience this point of being drunk. It definitely is not fun. But others keep on doing this constantly and this is what leads to their addiction. Going without alcohol means that they are not going to have any fun, so they keep drinking and