Adol Smoking Teaching Project Uop 473
Essay by review • March 20, 2011 • Research Paper • 1,687 Words (7 Pages) • 1,362 Views
Adolescent Smoking Teaching Project
The aggregate population selected for this teaching project is an adolescent bowling league. This adolescent bowling league consists of six males and three females whose ages range from thirteen to fifteen years old. All adolescents on the bowling league reside in rural parts of West Virginia. The bowling league plays in a small town with a population of approximately four thousand.
Assessment of group needs
To determine the needs of this group, each one was asked direct questions about smoking and the effects smoking has on the body. Each person was aware that smoking causes health problems with cancer being mentioned most often. Most in the group could not tell me some of the immediate effects nicotine has on the body and what addiction is. The chemical substance known was nicotine. I also observed each individual as to behaviors displayed such as: who went outside to smoke, who did not, and who used smokeless tobacco. I spoke with at least one guardian or parent of each adolescent. The three adolescents who used tobacco had parents that used tobacco. These parents were aware their child used tobacco products, but wished they did not. A small survey was given to each adolescent to complete and return without placing a name on it. The survey asked questions regarding tobacco use and personal backgrounds (such as different languages spoken, heritage, and learning disabilities). Neither the parents nor the adolescents were aware of the smoking statistics for West Virginia. The statistics according to the Campaign for tobacco-free kids (2005, para. 1) shows "28.5% or 26,500 high school students in West Virginia smokes, there are 4,000 new daily smokers each year under the age of 18, kids smoke approximately 6.6 million packs of cigarettes each year and there are 26.9% or 384,800 adults who smoke in West Virginia". The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (2005, para. 2) also states that "49,000 kids under 18 years old in West Virginia will die prematurely from smoking." The Centers for Disease Control Foundation (n.d. para. 1) states "More than 6.4 million children living today will die prematurely because of a decision they will make as adolescents Ð'-- the decision to smoke cigarettes." Based on the statistics alone there is a need for education regarding tobacco use among adolescents in West Virginia and in the United States.
Learner Variables
All adolescents in this group are Caucasian and speak English. One adolescent attends a private Christian school, one adolescent is home-schooled and five adolescents attend the local high school. Four of the adolescents are currently in the 9th grade in regular school classes and three of the adolescents are in the 10th grade taking regular classes. All of the adolescents can read and write. One adolescent has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. There is no hearing, visual or orthopedic disabilities among the group. This group of adolescents has no medical problems. The group's social class ranges from low income to high income with three members being in the low income, two in middle income and two in the higher income brackets. Three adolescents live in households where the parents smoke. Two adolescents are females and five are males. One adolescent is being raised by a grandparent. Four adolescents checked American, one checked Italian descent and one checked German descent as their answers to the ethnic background question on the questionnaire. All adolescents checked Baptist as their religion on the questionnaire.
According to Erickson "ego identity versus identity confusion is the main psychologic conflict of adolescence" (Jarvis, 2004, p. 24). Adolescence is a period during which the adolescent is trying to find himself and determine who he is. Often the adolescent will join cliques, wear fad clothing, and attempt to do what other individuals see as cool. Peer pressure is high during this time and if peers smoke and the adolescent wishes to be part of the group he may see smoking as a way to join the group. Adolescents are also looking for a way to be separate from their parents. Smoking may be a way to rebel against the parents and help provide this separation. According to Piaget, the adolescent period is a time of formal operations. The adolescent develops the ability for abstract thinking, dealing with hypothetical situations and making logical conclusions from evidence gathering (Jarvis, 2004). Even though the adolescent is able to do formal operations they have a tendency to think "it won't happen to me." A lot of the information presented may be ignored. Adolescents also have a tendency to criticize opinions, suggestions and actions of adults.
Environmental variables
This teaching project is occurring in a bowling alley. There is appropriate overhead lighting, an amplification system, a 52 inch television with a DVD and VCR player, a dry erase board and an overhead projector. Seating consists of five, six foot tables and chairs. This is a smoke free area with bowling lanes to the left and a small grill/restaurant to the right. The bowling lanes will be turned off during the education session. Five handouts per adolescent, fine tipped markers and coloring pencils will be placed on two six foot tables for the groups use. Two donated samples of Zyban, three boxes of nicotine patches and three boxes of nicotine gum will also be placed on a table as a display. If the adolescent chooses and the parent agrees the nicotine patches and/or nicotine gum will be given to the adolescent. The educational session is being held prior to the bowling leagues bowling. Pizza and sodas will be available during the break. Bathrooms are open at all times. Showing interest in the adolescents has already been started due to interactions and behaviors with the adolescents during the past year. By talking with these adolescents and acknowledging their opinions and tastes in clothing, music, bowling, and other things I have already developed trust and credibility with them prior to the educational session. During this presentation, interacting with the group will require being patient, flexible, sensitive, allowing choices and student decisions. Scheduling was discussed with the bowling alley owner and league leader. Flyers were sent home with members of the bowling league announcing when the educational session would occur. One flyer was also posted on the window of the front door of the bowling alley announcing the educational session for the youth bowling league. Overhead