Advertisment for Autism Speaks Jacobs Story
Essay by Debra Murphy-Haverty • September 2, 2018 • Essay • 922 Words (4 Pages) • 855 Views
Debra A. Murphy-Haverty
Composition 1
September 1, 2018
The Ad Council campaign for Learning the Signs of Autism in children uses a 3- dimensional, characteristic, and uniqueness approach to convince parents learning the signs of autism early, because seeking help can lead to better lifelong outcomes. (Autism Speaks 1) The ad showcases a young boy named Jacob in a boat all alone without a mouth, drawing attention through Jacob’s voice as he is explaining his different daily emotions and how autism affects him. While there is currently no cure for autism, early detection and intervention can result in critical improvements throughout life. (BBDO background 2) 81% of parents of young children believe that autism is very or somewhat common, increasing from 45% when the campaign launched in 2006. Today, 1 in 68 children is diagnosed, a nearly 30% increase in three years. (Ad Council 1) Finally, in convincing readers and viewers to learn the signs of autism, this ad successfully utilizes perspective by the 3- dimensional, colorful, and unique view carefully balancing its characters, while maintaining a focus on the boy while keep the scene light hearted. These three elements effectively reach into the hearts of this ad’s viewers and drive individuals to support learning the early signs of Autism in children.
First, the purpose of this advertisement is to convince parents learning the signs of autism early in children, through the eyes of a young boy with autism. The Ad Council and BBDO company use the advertisement to convince parents to look and understand the specific signs of autism in children with the slogan “I didn’t talk for a very long time.” This slogan is written above the cartoon child without a mouth. Making parents wonder why the child didn’t speak for a very long time. Karen Pierce, Ph.D., states in her work, Detecting, Studying, and Treating Autism Early: The One-Year Well-Baby Check-Up, the importance of early detection of autism allows for early intervention with behavior therapies that can improve outcomes. (Pierce K, Carter C, Weinfeld M, et al 1). By detecting the early signs of autism more parents will be able to work with their children to get the proper help and clearer understanding that they need. The simple, brief statement on this advertisement makes it purpose clear yet leaving the audience wondering more about why the child didn’t talk for a very long time.
Secondly, the 3- dimensional, colorful, and characteristic approach draws the viewer in to learn more. Watching and listening to this young boy explain what he feels daily with different circumstances. The slogan is in white, long dripping like font that would look as if fearful. The poster and cartoon advertisement are attention grabbing as you hear the meek young voice of the boy with the 3- dimensional, colorful advertisement in the back ground. Mark Anderson, creative director of BBDO New York, “That was one of the reasons why we decided to use animation – to create an open canvas that each parent could imagine their own child in.” (behind the scenes 4)
The colors in the advertisement equally represent the sign of autism that Jacob is feeling. When he is afraid it gets grey, bright lights when he explains being light sensitive, big eyed creatures when looking in the eye is something he avoids, then ending in a bright sunny space that he feels safe in. With using a 3-dimensional cartoon approach it also reaches the eyes of children to listen to what Jacob is saying, in hopes that the child will talk to their parents if they are feeling the same way as he is. By using the colorful approach in the advertisement is makes it memorable and looked favorably upon by viewers.