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Essay by   •  December 25, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,741 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,431 Views

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When one mentions America, many different thoughts and ideas come into mind. Democracy and the idea of freedom is a main focal point in my view of America. It plays such a large role in not only my life but the lives of every other American. Natural born rights and the freedom to live in the "pursuit of happiness" is another topic which stands out from the rest. There are so many different options of friends, employment, and culture presented to every American. Most of all, however, I tend to first think of religion and the different organizations connected to each religion. For every scandal seen or heard on the news, there are multiple freedoms or values in which every American, including myself, can be proud.

Only a few years ago, I received the opportunity to be an intern for the Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox. This was an extremely rewarding and helpful internship. I, wanting to be a politician and lawyer in the future, learned many resourceful qualities and tactics. I was given the chance to take part in the political system and do my part to help every citizen carry out the right to vote. I was unbelievably honored to be a part of the democratic system set up by my Founding Fathers. As I participated in a rally to re-elect Mike Cox as Attorney General, I was awed at how much this political system I live in means to so many. I walked in seeing people of all different ages wearing pins and buttons telling to re-elect Mike Cox. The pride I felt was unrealistic. Every single person there had a central purpose shared with one another. For the first time, I felt like I made a difference in the political process. Democracy was at its finest. I gathered with a large group of people with a common goal. I was living the First Amendment as I used my right to assembly along with my right to freedom of speech.

My natural born rights are very important to me. I hear the phrase "pursuit of happiness" and think of my grandparents moving here from England. They had a dream of finding a better life in America. There are so many opportunities for immigrants that it is hard not to want to move here. My grandfather made his living fighting in the United States Navy and working on the Ford Motor assembly line. He lived the "American Dream" I have heard so much of throughout history. I think of how working on an assembly line could be thought of as a dream. But as my grandfather has told me so many times, he was filled with such pride after seeing every car built. He knew that he had helped make such a beautiful and long lasting American product. I tend to think if I will have that same pride in my work. There is such great opportunity and freedom for me to do anything I want in the future. I have every possibility set forth right in front of me and all I need is to work hard. I am always overjoyed to think of everything I can and may do later in my lifetime. Ever since the age of about seven, I have hoped to become a contract lawyer and later a politician in Washington. I can remember sitting at the dinner table in my families old house in Troy. My dad was reading the newspaper talking about the Clinton scandal. He kept talking of how he was tired of hearing about smut and scandals in our government. I looked at him and told him that he had nothing to worry about because in the 2044 I would be 51 years old. I said, "Dad, I'm going to run for president then. I hope you vote for me." I remember this event every time I think of my future and my life goals. Running for political office is one of my goals. This is another natural born right I have being an American. My grandmother was born in Quebec, Canada. When she immigrated to the U.S., she had to wait nine years before she had gained the right to vote. She would have had to wait fourteen years to be able to run for a political office if she had so wished. I am so glad I am a natural born citizen of America so that I do have that unalienable right to vote and be a part of the political system.

Although I am not one to jump and protest an issue, I am quite proud and respectful of the right to protest. This country is made great from this right in which many use. In my hometown, there was an abortion protest occurring across the street from my neighborhood. I remember it was about time for dinner so I was hungry, and there was about 20 protesters walking outside on the sidewalk with large pictures of aborted fetus'. At that instant I was not hungry anymore. I being extremely mad about my sudden change in appetite thought of how those pictures were disgusting. Sitting at home later that night, I thought that maybe that wasn't such a bad image to have in mind. I thought if I were someone debating whether or not to have an abortion. It made perfect sense why those protesters do that. They wanted me to see how horrifying abortion is and how I would feel making that decision. I, having the same views as the protesters, was excited to find out that these protesters would be around my city for the next week. I looked into their schedule finding out where they would be and at what times. I was so intrigued to find out that a protest of such importance was taking place across the street from my neighborhood. I looked on the website of the group protesting and found that I could come to the protest



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