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American Revolution

Essay by   •  December 29, 2010  •  Study Guide  •  748 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,780 Views

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F&I war- British believed French provoked the war by building a chain of forts in the Ohio R. Valley, French-did it to halt the west ward growth of the brit. Colonies.

GW- gov or VA sent a mall militia of GW troops, surrender to French+ N.A. on July 3, 1754, and started war

Gen. Edward Braddock- in 1755 ended in defeat, 2000 GB regulars + colonial troops were routed by a smaller force of French + N.A.s near Ft. Duquesne dies in battle

Battle of Quebec (1754)-significant battle of war, Montreal fell in 1760, French flag waved last time, forces French power off N. America,

Albany Plan of Union(1754)-12 colonies +GB set a precedent for later, more revolutionary congresses in the 1770s'called for inner colonial gov't and a system for recruiting troops + collecting taxes.

Pontiac's Rebellion-Chief Pontiac attacked colonial settlements on the western frontier. NAs were angered by the growing westward movement of settlers +GB's refusal to offer gifts like French

Proclamation of 1763-prohibited colonist from settling west of Appalachian Mt., prevent other rebellions, went west anyway

Peace of Paris (1763)-French lose N. American land claim, Spain + England dominate, and Spain got W. of Miss, England E. of Miss

Salutary Neglect- period until 1763 England doesn't pay attention to US

- Proclamation was the first of a series of acts by the British gov't met with anger + resistance in the colonies.

Sugar Act (1764, revenue act) - duties on foreign sugar to raise money for the crown and stricter enforcement of Navigation Acts to stop smuggling. Accused of smuggling tried in admiralty courts by crown appointed judges w/o juries.

Quartering Act (1765- colonist provide food and living quarters for GB soldiers

Stamp Act (1765)-revenue stamp placed on printed paper- legal documents, newspapers, pamphlets and advertisements

Stamp Act Congress (1765) - only their own elected representatives had legal authority to approve taxes

Son + Daughters of Liberty- violent, secret society organized for the purpose of intimidating tax agents, tarred and feathered revenue officials + destroyed stamps.

Declaratory Act (1766) - created after stamp act was repealed. Parliament had the right to tax + make laws for the colonies "in all cases whatsoever"

Townshend Acts (1767)-duties to be collected on Colonial imports of tea, glass and paper. Done to pay crown officials in the colonies, allowed search of private homes for smuggled goods.

Writ of assistance- needed to conduct search gen. license to search anywhere.

John Dickson, Letters from a farmer in PA- said parliament could regulate commerce but b/c duties were taxation couldn't be levied on the colonies w/o consent of rep. assemblies.

Mass Circular letter- James Otis and Samuel Adams urged to petition Parliament to repeal Townshend Acts. Causes



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