Anabolic Steroids: A Panacea or A Murderer?
Essay by review • February 16, 2011 • Essay • 1,474 Words (6 Pages) • 1,674 Views
Anabolic Steroids: A Panacea Or A Murderer?
"Hey, it's good to see you back at this high school reunion. Joey! How have you been doing?" "Not too well, I have to get a liver transplant." "Why?" "I took steroidsÐ'..." "OhÐ'... wellÐ'...Mark! I haven't seen you since the senior prank we pulled on Principle Thomas, what have you been up to?" "What the heck do you think I'm up to!? You can be really inconsiderate sometimes you @#$%^(O#!" "What happened to you? You used to be so nice before you started taking steroidsÐ'..."
The use of steroids can really alter the way you act and your health. When using this horrible stimulant, horrifying side affects may occur, such as: acne all over, uncontrollable rage, liver and cardiovascular problems, and many more unwanted results. The word "anabolic" refers to muscle building; "androgenic" refers to increased masculine characteristics; "steroids" refers to the class of drugs. The class was named steroids because it was made out of the plant compounds called sterols. This drug was first created in the 1930's and was first seen in action in the 1950's by many Russian and other European athletes. It was made illegal in 1991 by the Federal Anabolic Control Act. Even though it was made illegal, the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids is still very common. Because of all of the horrible, unhealthy, and dangerous side affects, the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids is not worth it. It makes you a cheater, and in the long run, it will warp your life into something you would never want.
The presence of steroids in professional sports is already known (which sickens me), but the major problem is all of the other users. "It is well- known that these athletes are only the tip of the iceberg (Dr. Huw Perry (10))". What Dr. Perry means is that the top class athlete's usage of steroids is the least of our worries. The fact that millions of other users are consuming, injecting, or lathering this androgenic substance and endangering their lives and the lives of close ones is a far greater threat to our society. "The use of anabolic steroids is no longer restricted to top class athletes (Dr. Huw Perry (10))". The reason that these lofty athletes are under the influence of steroids is because they have reached a point in their fitness in which they cannot go any further, so in a way, to keep improving, steroids is the only answer. However, with youth, they are not to their highest physical fitness point. They are just taking a risk to get big, and that is the problem. Some of these risk takers are even kids! "One of the biggest concerns is the use of steroids in adolescence (Kozeris, Lymperis (8))". This drug will wear your body down until it is useless. If this happens at a younger age, their lives will be shortened drastically. We have to stop this outbreak at its original starting place or the generation of our youth will definitely have abnormalities. "In young people who are not fully grown, taking steroids can stunt growth (NIDA (4))". The consumption of steroids will negatively affect your health as it is; in youth that are not at sexual maturity and take this substance, their body's hormone plan will not go as desired. We have to focus on the big picture. There will probably always be a few elite athletes who use steroids, but we should fight hard to prevent the casual usage of steroids in the general athletic community.
The usage of steroids either by oral consumption or by injection is not worth it. Its side effects will leave your body in ruins. "Anabolic Androgenic Steroids usage may result in conditions such as anemia, cachexia, glucocorticoid induced wasting of the body, and musculorskeletal injuries (Kozeris, Lymperis (8))". When using this substance to enhance exterior body appearances and increase strength, you are putting yourself into a situation that is extremely dangerous and could lead to results that could basically destroy your life, or even result in a fatality. Now in my opinion, that sounds pretty bad, and it is true for both males and females. "In men, side affects may include infertility, growth of breasts, and shrinking of the testes. For women, results include enlarged clitoris and a lot more body hair (Mex Inc (9))". These results really contradict what they say steroids are supposed to do, which is to enhance your body. These are generally not considered attractive qualities to members of the opposite sex. There are still many other horrible results of this androgenic "poison", especially if it is used during youth. "Using Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids delays puberty and can result in wasting of the body ("About" Inc. (7))". If the user is young, not only will he be a laughing stock because of his immaturity, his body will be in ruins. It's a student's worst nightmare. In youth and
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also in maturity, steroids will not be worth it, they can hurt your body and even those around you. "Scientific research also shows that aggression and other psychiatric side-affects may result from abuse of anabolic steroids (NIDA