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Analysis of Catholic Worship Service

Essay by   •  November 29, 2010  •  Essay  •  905 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,620 Views

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questions in the summary.

1. What was happening just before the worship leader led worship and just after? Did it flow? Why or why not?

The priest, deacon, two people who gave the readings, and four alter servers gathered in the narthex. The choir sang an entrance hymn and they processed into the church and up to the alter. At the end of the service, they assembled at the foot of the alter and processed out of the church with the congregation following. It seemed to flow naturally with the servers leading and carrying the cross standard and candles. The two readers followed carrying the book with the readings. The two ministers were last in line. They greeted people sitting near the aisles, especially the children.

Describe the worship leader's song selection. Did the individual songs bring to mind any passage of Scripture (if so, which one/s)?

The worship leader was the presiding priest, but he did not seem to be very much involved with the music, so I asked the choir director about the music. He told me that the music liturgy committee guides him in the selection with a lot of input from the choir and parishioners. He also explained that the Catholic services follow a liturgical calendar. We are currently in Ordinary Time and will soon enter Advent.

* Entrance Hymn - Gather Your People - Based on Corinthians 12

* Responsorial Psalm - I will bless the Lord at all times. Psalm 32

* Presentation of Gifts - The Servant Song

* Communion Hymn - Taste and see that the Lord is good - Psalm 34:8

* Sending Forth Hymn - I Am The Bread Of Life - John 36

Two of the hymns were based on Psalms and one on John's Gospel. I'm fairly sure that all of them have some scriptural roots. The scriptural passages upon which the songs are based were identified in "The Order of Worship".

3. What, if anything, did the worship leader say that you felt enhanced the worship experience?

He began the service with three rousing rounds of "God is Good!---All the Time" with the congregation. Then he asked the people to greet those around them. This start set the lively and friendly tone of the service. I felt that it helped to create a community of worship and greatly enhanced the experience.

4. What observations would you make about the worship leader's body language as he led worship (anything that communicates in a non-verbal and non-musical manner)?

The worship leader was very energetic. His body language indicted that he was enthusiastic and excited to be leading the service. It also made me think that he was genuinely glad to see everybody and loved what he was doing. At times, it seemed that he was going a little too fast. One of the people who sat near me explained that many people did not like the mass to take much more than one hour.

5. In what ways did the congregation respond and participate?

The congregation responded very positively and seemed to regard the service



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