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Anglo Saxon Society Vs. Modern Society

Essay by   •  November 8, 2012  •  Essay  •  1,027 Words (5 Pages)  •  3,836 Views

Essay Preview: Anglo Saxon Society Vs. Modern Society

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Kee Boyd



Final Draft: Modern Society vs. Anglo-Saxon

Culture in Anglo-Saxon society is similar to modern society and in many ways they are different. Anglo- Saxon comes from a time where fighting is valued more than working thing out. The Anglo-Saxons come from a society where there reputation is the most important thing to them. Compared to modern society where things are more commonly worked out upon, rather than going to war. The Anglo-Saxons were Christians but believed in many Gods instead of just one. The Anglo-Saxon society had many different values, than the ones we have today. The two cultures are alike and different in more ways than one.

In modern society we value a hero that is honest, someone that sticks to their word and always do what they promise to do. Modern society thoroughly expresses responsibility, doing what is expected of you and sometime doing what you know is the right thing to do(. Today's society its all about how you represent yourself. It's about the kind of person you are in front of doors and are you the same person behind closed doors. Society today admires a hero that deliberately and courageously overcomes obstacles for the benefit of others without regard for personal consequences. When we as we, in modern society see those conquered obstacles, we then see the measure of a person's true leadership.

In today's society we have created people we consider as our heroes, like our celebrities. Celebrities are the people whom we expect little from, but we offer so much praise at the same time, and often end up getting less than what we do expect from them. In human eyes we look for people who take initiative in performing acts of kindness without looking for something in return. Heroes to modern society can just be people that set the example for someone else to be great. People who set the example for the next person to be great are positive role models. When these people are role models, it may cause a young man/woman to make a change and make them want to do something to better their life. These people help pave the way for future generations and it creates a better future. Modern society really values a brighter future, and more way to improve the way of life.

Comparing the modern culture and the Anglo-Saxon culture women are held to a higher power now. In Anglo-Saxon culture the women were basic, they didn't really have a say so in anything. Back then it was basically against the law for a woman to disobey her husband. In their culture (Anglo-Saxons_ women didn't have jobs, the only positions they held were a mother and wife. Society today has a different look on things. Women now have more options. Women can now go to school and further their education. Women have more job opportunities; there are more single-mother homes now. Women can be held to higher positions in a major company; we even have female super heroes. Women now have a say so in society, rather than in Anglo-Saxon society.

Anglo-Saxon society put men on a high pedestal. Compared to today's society, men are still supposed to be the bread winners and head of the house, but the Anglo-Saxon men were totally men of too much pride. The Anglo-Saxon men were very arrogant, and not only that; half of them didn't value their own lives. Most of the Anglo-Saxon wanted one thing, immortal fame. For the most part, Anglo-Saxons, didn't care how they obtained their goal. The Anglo-Saxons would put their own life on the line with no



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