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Animals Are Not Humans

Essay by   •  November 29, 2012  •  Essay  •  348 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,095 Views

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Animals are not Humans

In her short story "Am I Blue?" (1986), Alice Walker discusses the emotions that animals have and the similarities that those emotions have to human emotions. Using her own personal experience, Walker coordinates her story by first comparing her emotions, as a human, to a horse named Blue. Then, she illustrates the human characteristics of blue by saying, "Blue was lonely. Blue was horribly lonely and bored" which are emotions that one would expect only a human to feel. She concludes by showing a transition of blue's emotions as paralleled to the transitions of human emotions through the finding of love and a companion. Walker wrote this piece in order to inform readers that humans and animals are alike in many ways.

In respect to Walkers' story, I believe that people should show admiration for animals by treating them with care. I don't believe that becoming a vegetarian is necessary because meat is a necessity to living, helping the human body to receive protein in order to function. By treating animals with care, I feel as though it shows that we recognize the feelings that they have. Today, animals can even be used to make clothing such as leather and fur. In my opinion, wearing leather or fur is a choice. Leather and fur are used to keep the body warm during cold weather, and have no harmful effects, with the exception of slaying animals to get there. Walker argues that humans neglect the feelings of animals for human selfishness, which is true. As a society we consider the ability to feel emotion as only being restricted to humans when in fact, animals are capable of feeling more emotion than humans do.

Showing respect for animals doesn't have to mean restricting yourself from eating meat, or wearing fur. I think respect for an animal comes with acknowledging that they have feelings, and treating them with gentle care. Even with recognizing their emotions, we still have to realize that animals are not humans. Yes, they have similarities but in reality, they are not the same.



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