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Anorexia Nervosa

Essay by   •  March 26, 2011  •  Essay  •  719 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,009 Views

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Anorexia nervosa, affects 1 out of every 100 people in America, and crosses every socio-economic group. Though most commom in females between the aages of 11-17, 10% of its sufferers are male.

Accoriding to the ANAD the national association of anorexia nervosa and associated disorders, it is a refusal to maintain body weight of the minimal 85% expected weight for body and height

It is an intense fear of becoming fat, even if underweight and a distorted view of the body.

Many believe that it is simply a diet out of control. This is so not true. Anorexia nervosa is a pathological disease where the desire to lose wight outweighs everything. Even such things as hair loss, cardiovascular damage premature osteiporus and the high risk of death, are nothing compared to the powerful addiction of losing weight. They are afraid to eat.

Every calorie is alculated and burnt off. There entire life focuses on this one issue with thoughts of food eventually controlling there mind 24/7. My sister and I weighed the same three months ago, she now weighs 30lbs less than me/ she doesn't want to lose weight but continues to starve herself.

Since the majority of girls who develop an are already overweight it seems clear that this has little to do with weight loss. Research is currently beign done to understand what it is that causes anorexia. There really is not one sole reason but rather a combination of biological, social and psychological problems. Some believe that it is a negative way of coping with problems such as the fear of growing up,need for attention a desire to be perfectÐ'...Ð'...Ð'....

Bruch author of the golden cage comments- When u are so unhappy and you don't know anything than to have control over ur body becomes a supreme accomplishment. You make out of your body your very own kingdom, where you are the tyrant the absolute dictator.

We live in a society that tells us to be thin. Unatturally thin. Glamour magazine recently did a spread titled "is your body normal" small blurbs on the side tell us that the average woman is 5"4 and weighs 157lbs yet the real focus is on the scantily clad rail thin model taking up most of the two pages. The message that comes across is if u don't look like her your not normal.

20 years ago the average supermodel weighed 8% less than the average woman. She now weighs 23% less. Men say that they don't like women to be stick



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