Anylytical Essay on Schizophrenia
Essay by review • December 28, 2010 • Research Paper • 3,065 Words (13 Pages) • 1,767 Views
Anylytical essay on SCHIZOPHRENIA
Contents Page
Abstract 2
Introduction 3
Impact on Family 4
Medication Adherence/ Non Adherence 6
Prevention through Risk Identification 7
Conclusion 10
References 11
Schizophrenia is a psychotic mental disorder that is defined by Alanen "as a serious mental illness that usually becomes manifest in adolescence or early adulthood" (Alanen, 1997). Spearing furthers this definition to note that schizophrenia is a socially, financially and emotionally crippling disorder for not only the patient, but also the family unit (Spearing 2002). McGorry notes that in 2002 the economic cost of schizophrenia for Australia alone was $85 billion (McGorry, 2003). This cost can only be expected to grow, as in 2001, 17,731 patients were hospitalized nation wide for schizophrenic related problems, an increase in hospitalizations when compared with numbers from 2000 (AIHW Hospital Morbidity Database 2001-2002, 2004).
In Westernized countries such as Australia and North America, a period of approximately twelve months lapses between the manifestation of early symptoms of schizophrenia and the first course of treatment (Martinex and Garcia, 2002). Martinex and Garcia's research further indicates that such a lengthy time lapses is often detrimental to a patient's long term health and well being. Martinex and Garcia conclude that if the first psychosis is not treated immediately then relapse is far more likely and frequent (Martinex and Garcia, 2002). Much of the information examined on schizophrenia supports this research and to date many Community Programs and Government initiatives are based on the notion of early detection and intervention. The following essay will focus on reviewing a small portion of literature available with regards to early detection, treatment and prevention of this illness.
An acute psychotic onset of the positive symptoms of schizophrenia is often terrifying for both patient and family alike, with the most common of these symptoms being hallucinations and delusions. Hallucinations are most commonly found in the form of auditory hallucinations; in that the patient hears voices that are not there. Delusions occur as the organization function of the ego regresses, seeing the patient believing that friends or family members are reading their thoughts and attempting to plot their demise (Spearing, 2002). Such positive symptoms lead the patient to suffer from an unreal perception of the world around them; in turn they become withdrawn from society. This withdrawal affects the sufferer's lifestyle management skills, for example it limits their ability to socialize or hold down a regular job. It can however lead to negative symptoms such as a lack of motivation or personal hygiene. All of the symptoms are often frightening and extremely confusing to not only family members who witness the regression of organization, but to the community at large as often thee patient's speech and behavior is so disorganized that they frighten those around them. Spearing notes that less than one in five schizophrenics recover and that acute episodes often reappear more than once throughout the suffers life time (Spearing, 2002). Developing new treatment programs and strategies for the prevention and early detection of schizophrenia has become a top priority for the psychiatric community as a whole (Barlow & Durand, 1999).
Impact on the Family
Much is written about the effects of schizophrenia on the patient when an acute psychotic episode occurs. However new studies are beginning to look at the effects that such an illness has on family members and how early detection can stem the social ramifications felt by those closest to the patient. As mentioned above Martinex in his works notes that usually symptoms of an impending psychotic episode occur twelve months prior to treatment (Martinex and Garcia, 2002). Spearing further notes that one of the most debilitating aspects of this mental disorder for the family is the sense of loss as to who this person was prior to diagnosis and coming to terms with who they are following diagnosis (Spearing, 2002). Each of these works was limited in the scope of their examples and was writing with the purpose of community awareness for the condition.
Brady in his research sample was attempting to demonstrate the social impact and stigma that schizophrenia has on the family unit. His study examined 63 families in total, each consisting of one or more family member suffering with schizophrenia, these studies were conducted between 1990 and 2004 (Brady, 2004). Brady also attempted to examine the cultural differences in care for a mentally ill family member. Brady noted in his results, that in Westernized countries such as Australia and the USA that schizophrenia has social stigmas attached due to lack of understanding as to what the condition entails. Therefore, having to care for a family member suffering with the condition was often viewed negatively. Brady notes that the reasons given for this were because the course of the disease was uncertain, family members feel they suffered from lack of support when dealing with a psychotic episode and a sense of grief for that person. Brady also noted that often the behavior of the sufferer was not in keeping with societal values. For example, many patients even when not suffering a psychotic episode suffer from a lack of motivation for normal every day functions such as holding a job. In Westernized cultures Brady makes the argument that this motivation to work or even socialize is viewed as a purposeful behavior. Brady further notes that psychotic symptoms and social stigmas that surround schizophrenia often led family members to limit their social interactions also (Brady, 2004).
Non Westernized