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Apocalypse: The Story of The Book of Revelation

Essay by   •  November 22, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,327 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,513 Views

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Apocalypse: The Story of the Book of Revelation

1. The word "Apocalypse" means revelation

2. The popular idea attached to the word "apocalypse", however, is one of a cataclysmic end of all things

3. Few have actually read the Book of Revelation, but everyone is familiar with the idea of Armageddon

4. Some symbols and ideas correlated to the Book of Revelation include the four horsemen, the number 666, stars falling to earth from the Heavens, seas turning to blood, and images to tell of a future war between good and evil

5. The Final evil ruler is known as the antichrist

6. There is a notion of a great final battle

a. Nation against nation

b. Supernatural terrors

c. Total devastation

7. Christ's victory at the battle of Armageddon will prepare his was for this second coming, when the last judgment will take place

8. Jerusalem

a. is permanently tied to the story of good triumphing over evil

b. Is the focus of intense anxiety

c. Is home to a temple that must be restored in order for Christ to return

9. Holy Shrine

a. The apparent place where Mohammed ascended into Heaven

b. This is built where the first and second temples were built, and where the third should be built if this shrine weren't in the way

c. Many would like to see the shrine destroyed

10. The political history of the Jews is important to the apocalyptic prophecies.

11. In the year 586, the famous King of Babylon burned the temple and destroyed the city.

a. On July 22nd there are now commemorative services held in an ancient fortress to mourn the destruction of the first temple and the exile of Babylon

b. Babylon shook peoples faith

i. They began thinking that maybe it is not God's fault, but their own.

c. After this a long line of apocalyptic literature began

i. Prophets predict future Jews will return, build the temple, and the Messiah will come

12. Motif of New Jerusalem

13. Book of Ezekiel

a. Showed a resurrection of bones to living things

b. Symbolizes the resurrection of the nation of Israel itself

14. In the year 538 BCE Cyrus, who conquered Babylon, allowed the Jews to return home and build the temple

a. Cyrus was thereafter called the "Lord's Messiah"

15. Dualism

a. Concept of "light and dark" and "good and evil"

b. World is the battle ground for these two forces

16. In 333 BCE, Alexander the Great crushed the Persian Empire

a. This was the next great influence on apocalyptic prophecy

b. It caused cultural intermingling

c. Brought a reversal of values

i. Values of purity and modesty where opposed by the Greeks, who built sculptures of naked people

d. Greek leader put his own features on sculpture of Zeus

i. Was not tolerated

ii. Temple was recaptured and purified

1. This is celebrated by Hanukkah

iii. The book of Daniel interprets this statue.

1. There are 4 metals, each representing a different empire that will fall

a. Gold - Babylonia

b. Silver - Persia

c. Bronze - Greek

d. Clay - Rome

17. Rome

a. Was at first a friend to the Jews

b. Jerusalem then fell into Rome's power

c. This brought about another wave of apocalyptic prophecy

18. Baptism is repentance before judgment before God

19. Dead Sea Scrolls

a. Found off the coast of the Dead Sea in 1947

b. Declare that there will be a final judgment

c. A script was found for the final battle

i. A heavenly army is thought to appear and bring victory

20. Story of the Jewish Revolt

a. Rebels threw out the High Priest

b. The Romans broke through the walls of the city and destroyed the city and temple again

c. The destruction of the 2nd temple was seen as a sign that apocalyptic time is nearing

d. Also caused another wave of apocalyptic prophecies

21. Author of the Book of Revelation was exiled to a remote Greek island because he opposed Roman Authority

a. There in a cave he had a vision

i. This was a revelation of the future of the world

b. Today biblical scholars hold a different view

i. It is not clear whether he was exiled or just traveling and preaching

c. Today there is a monastery on that island dedicated to John the Theologian

d. John refused to make sacrifices for the Imperial Cult for those rulers who had crucified Jesus and ruined the temple

e. He predicts the date of destruction of Roman Empire, which did not come true

f. The Book of



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