Apparitions of Saints
Essay by review • November 27, 2010 • Essay • 1,355 Words (6 Pages) • 1,673 Views
apparitions of saints begun
From the time of Adam, God has spoken to His saints and prophets through visions, dreams, and inner voices . . . .
Miraculous events are common in the worlds of the Old and New Testaments, and the lives of the saints are marked by supernatural intervention. In our time, the Eternal Father seems to also be grabbing ordinary people from our midst to use as His mouthpieces. He is calling us to honor the covenant He made with us so that His "will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."
The last century-and-a-half has seen numerous accounts of appearances of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Jesus, Himself, is said to speak to a few of the seers. Some of the apparitions have received official approval by the Roman Catholic Church. Common threads running through all the messages are: Jesus has been offended by the multiplication of against His Sacred Heart; and Mary exhorts humanity to prayer and repentance and an increased devotion to the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Confession. A simple message, but the alternative, we are warned, is a great chastisement which will befall mankind.
Apparitions Links References Credits
- Full Church Approval
- Disapproval by the Church
B - Bishop Letter (Reference)
1347 Siena, Italy St. Catherine 1 2
1531 Guadalupe, Mexico St. Juan Diego 1
1600s Agreda, Spain Venerable Mary of Agreda 1 2
1812 Westphalia, Germany Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich 1 2 3
1830 Rue Du Bac, France Catherine Laboure 1 2 3
1836 OL of Victories, Paris Father Genettes -
1840 Blangy, France Sister Justine Bisqueyburu 1 2 3
1846 La Salette, France Melanie Calvat & Maximin Giraud 1 2
1858 Lourdes, France Bernadette Soubirous 1 2 3 4
1871 Pontmain, France Eugene and Joseph Barbadette (Five Children and one baby) 1 2
1876 Pellevoisin, France Estelle Faguette 1 2
1877 Gietrzwald, Poland Justyna Szafrynska, Barbara Samulowska -
1878 Corato, Italy Luisa Piccarreta 1 2 3
1879 Knock, Ireland 15 people 1 2 3
1884 Rome, Italy Pope Leo XIII 1 2
1904 Poland St. Maximilian Kolbe 1 2 3
1916 - 1953 Caserta, Italy Maria Valtorta (Poem of the Man-God) 1
1917 Fatima, Portugal Lucia, Francisco, & Jacinta 1 2 3
1918 San Giovanni, Italy St. Padre Pio 1 2 3
1920 Verdun, Quebec, Canada Emma Blanche Curotte -
1922 Montreal, Canada Georgette Faniel (stigmatist) -
1925 Tuy, Spain Sister Lucia -
circa 1929 - 1930 Campinas, Sгo Paulo, Brazil Sister Amбlia de Jesus Flagelado -
1932 Beauraing, Belgium 5 Voisin & Degeimbre children 1
1933 Banneaux, Belgium Mariette Beco 1 2 3
1937 Poland St. Faustina 1 2 3
1945 Amsterdam, Holland Ida Peerdeman 1 2
1947 Montichiari, Italy Pierina Gilli 1
1947 Tre Fontane, Rome Bruno Cornacchiola 1 2
1948 Lipa, Philippines Novice Teresita -
1950 - 1975 (circa) Necedah, Wisconsin USA Mary Ann Van Hoof B
1952 India Fr. Louis M. Shouriah, S.J. -
1953 Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico Ramonita Belen, Isidra Belen, Juan Angel Collado -
1954 Ohio, USA Sister Mildred Neuzil 1 2
1954 Annavore, Ardboe, Co. Tyrone, Ireland John Quinn & Anne Hannah -
1954 Seredne, Ukraine Anna -
1961 Garabandal, Spain Conchita Gonzales, Mari Loli Mazon, Jacinta Gonzales, Mari Cruz Gonzales 1 2
1964; 1984-Present Pederobba (Treviso), Italy Paola Albertini -
1964 San Damiano, Italy Mama Rosa Quattrini -
1967 - ? ? Francis Klug B
1968 Italy Mama Carmela Carabelli -
1968 Zeitun, Egypt Thousands 1 2
1970s Bayside, New York Veronica Leukin -
1970 Vladimir Prison, Russia Josyp Terelya 1
1971 Rome, Italy Marisa Rossi B B
1972 - 1978; 1982 Dozule, France Madeline Aumont -
1972 Milan, Italy Fr. Stefano Gobbi 1 2
1973 Akita, Japan Sister Agnes Sasagawa 1
1974 Ninh Loi, Vietnam Stephen Ho Ngoc Ahn -
1976 Betania, Venezuela Maria Esperanza (stigmatist) & Others 1 2
1980 El Escorial, Spain Amparo Cuevas 1
1980 Cuapa, Nicaragua Edward Bernardo Martinez 1
1981 Millbury, Massachusetts, USA Eileen George B
1981 Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina Six young people 1 2 3
1981 Kibeho, Rwanda, Africa Six girls and one boy -
1982 Damascus, Syria Myrna Nazzour (stigmatist) 1
1983? Toowoomba, Australia Debra Geileskey B B
1983 San