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Essay by   •  February 24, 2011  •  Essay  •  607 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,320 Views

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Maldives press freedom still under threat

ARTICLE 19 has undertaken four days of fact-finding in the Maldives as part of the International Press Freedom Mission.

Read more: Statement by the International Press Freedom Mission

Read more: Press release on our analysis of the Maldives 'Freedom of Press Bill'

Read more: Press release on the eve of the mission

Cambodia urged to decriminalise defamation

ARTICLE 19 and the Alliance for Freedom of Expression in Cambodia welcomed the Cambodian government's decision to remove imprisonment as a penalty for defamation, while also calling on the authorities and national assembly to fully decriminalise defamation. The two organisations also propose ten steps for reform of the civil defamation law. More...

Amicus curiae brief before Inter-American Court

ARTICLE 19 has joined four other NGOs in submitting a brief to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, arguing that the right to freedom of expression includes a right to access State-held records. To read the press release, click here. For the actual brief, click here.

Comments on draft Audiovisual Code of Moldova

Moldova's parliament is currently considering a new Audiovisual Code governing both private and public service broadcasting. ARTICLE 19's Memorandum concludes that the Code is a serious effort to comply with international standards, but still requires further work to guarantee a truly democratic broadcasting system. Access the analysis: English - Moldoveneascг.


Sudan media draft bills presented

On March 20, a team of five, including an ARTICLE 19 representative, handed over four draft bills on freedom of expression and the media to the Minister of Information of Southern Sudan. The documents, created by ARTICLE 19, are the result of a long campaign and professional support to the South Sudanese government by four members of an international consortium (AMDISS, ARTICLE 19, IMS and NPA) to start newly peaceful South Sudan on a right legal footing.

Access the laws...

Media Policy for Iraq

ARTICLE 19 has published a report calling on the Iraqi authorities to adopt a media policy, and suggesting the key principles which should underly such a policy, based on international law and standards and best practice across the world.




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