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Assessment Techniques

Essay by   •  November 24, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  2,444 Words (10 Pages)  •  883 Views

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Assessment Techniques

The nature of the assessments done was done as part of an assignment in an assessment class in the graduate program offered at Messiah College. The assessments completed were completed by a student thus; the validity of the assessments should reflect such and not be construed as a professional. While the student followed APA ethical procedure the validity of the assessments will not be as detailed and reliable as if they had been completed by a professional. The assessments were completed by a student as a learning tool. The assessments completed were: clinical interview, BDI II, BAI and NEO-PI-3. The participant of the assessments consented to the assessments and understood that they would be used for a learning tool. The participant did request that her name be change; therefore, the following report contains a pseudonym.


Brandy Green (pseudonym) participated in a clinical interview on September 6, 2012. For the remaining of this report Brandy will be referred to as the client. The client resides in New Augusta, Mississippi. Her date of birth is May 10, 1980, and is 32 year old, Caucasian. The client was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Client reports being a Christian; however, does not attend services on a regular basis. Client reports she is a high school graduate with no further education. It is reported that the client is a stay at home mother who is married, and resides with her husband and daughter (age 6), she states that her two oldest children currently reside with their father. Client reports being in the middle class socioeconomically class.

Clinical Interview

Although the client participated in the interview to assist the interviewer in completing the requirements for a course, it was noted that the client did display some depression, anxiety, and stress due to the recent tragic loss of her step-son. Client admits to being stressed due to the loss as well as, suffering from some uncontrollable thoughts. The client reports no past medical problems; however, she reports that she currently takes medication for hypertension. Client reports no problems with her pregnancies and that it was a full term vaginal delivery. Client reports she is recently diagnosed with cervical and uterus cancer and is currently awaiting surgery. She also reports that this is also causing her stress as she is the primary care taker of her daughter.

Client reports that her mother suffers from diabetes and hypertension. It is noted that her father also suffers from hypertension. Client reports that her father is an alcoholic and has been her entire life. She also reports that her sister has been diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder and is taking medication. Client reports that her sisters disorder is controlled with medication and she has had not had a mania episode in about six months.

It is reported that the client did receive grief counseling immediately following the loss of her step son. She reports that the counseling was helpful. She reports that at the time she entered counseling she could not talk about him without crying and that she feels she learned coping skills. Client reports she is now able to talk about her step son without crying uncontrollably.

Client reports meeting all developmental milestones on time, and has had no trouble with attachment problems. It is reported that the client is close to her mother, father, and sister. No problems noted during childhood or adolescence. Client reports that her first marriage failed after a short time due to her being the victim of domestic abuse. She reports that her ex-husband paid the judge during their divorce which resulted in her loosing custody of her two children she had had with him. She is currently appealing the verdict and is optimistic that she will regain custody of them soon. She reports being the step-mother to two children, one of which was killed in a tragic car accident about eight months ago.

Client reports that she feels nervous, jittery, and anxious when her children including her step child are not with her. She reports that she fears that one will be taken from her and that there is nothing she can do about it. She reports that these feelings began shortly after the loss of her step-son was killed, and denies these feelings prior to the accident. It is reported that she has these feelings on a daily basis as the children must attend school, and that two of her children do not currently live with her. It is reported that the symptoms last hours and only pass upon the children returning to her care.

It appears as if the client has a good support system. She reports being able to talk to her husband, mother, father, and several close friends when she is having these feelings. Although, she talks to her support system she reports the feelings do not get better until the children return home.

As previously reported the client has suffered the loss of her step-son, loss of custody of her two eldest children. It appears that the client has received treatment in the form of counseling in the past for depression and possible anxiety. No further traumatic events reported or psychological problems reported.

The client appears her age, with good hygiene, and is properly dressed. The client speaks clearly with appropriate eye contact. It is noted that the client tears up when speaking of her deceased step-son; however, does not cry and quickly regains composure. Furthermore, the client bounces her legs while talking as if she were anxious to finish. Client expresses emotions that are appropriate for the topic being discussed. Her affect is anvious and sad at times with full effect.

There are no visible tics, or involuntary movements. Client appears to be orientated of whom she is, where she is, the time, and the situation she is currently in. The client appears to have a great memory and is able to recall and disclose details of past events with no trouble. She reports the only problem with her senses is her vision; however, this is corrected is contact lenses/glasses. No apparent signs of retardation, quickening of motor activity and appears to be of clear consciousness.

Client denies being angry in general, or suffering from apprehension. It is reported that at times she is depressed and anxious. Client does not appear to be too sensitive, stubborn or apprehensive and appears to answer questions directly with no deviance.

Client denies hallucinations, delusions, or obsessive thoughts. However, it is noted that she appears to suffer from obsessive thoughts regarding her fear of suffering the loss of a child again. There appears to be no under/over productivity. She appears to have ideas that are within reason



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