Austrian Immigration to Canada
Essay by review • November 13, 2010 • Research Paper • 2,313 Words (10 Pages) • 1,712 Views
There are a lot of important migration routes nowadays; one of pretty crowded route is between the Canada and Europe. This essay will answer the questions of migration issue among the Austrian immigration to Canada. Canada can be identified simply as a country of vast geographical size, the second largest country in the world, but with a small population of some 25 million people, and is in many ways several countries accidentally linked by the historical development, peopled by different and distinct immigrant cultures, symbolised by having two official languages.(Brake, 1985, p.144) Immigration is a big complex issue that depends on individual choice but if there should be a generalisation it would be indicate as a struggle to create a new life with hopes by sweeping the past mostly. To an answer to why is it a "complex" issue, it can be said that the general dissatisfaction, which means, people migrating to other countries by leaving many things behind mostly nag about the conditions of the new country in terms of racism, ethnic prejudice also native residents complain about newcomers too. So if nothing has changed in terms of satisfaction why are these people still continuing to migrate? To make this question clearer, some points have to be highlighted as firstly brief information about how Austrians came to Canada then why Canada is attractive to Austrian residents, sociologic profile of Austrian immigrants, what are the contributions of immigrants for the migrated country and also the issue of native's feedback to immigrants. Even tough Austrian immigration seems considerably positive for Canadians, they implement discriminations and prejudice among them.
Immigrants from the Austro-Hungarian Empire began to arrive in Canada as early as the seventeenth century (who) were soldiers enrolled in French regiments which came to New France, sojourners, and settlers (Engellman, 1996, p.45). From 1880s on, more Austro-Hungarians immigrated to Canada and, after the turn of the century they were arriving on a large scale. During the world-wide crisis (1923-1929) the unemployment rate was on average 9.5 percent which followed on World War two by continuing rose more sharply still (Engellman, 1996, p.59). Moreover, in the Second World War period, Austrians had violent oppression and had fear about their on lives on racial grounds then they faced with a new problem: to find a secure place to live. Because of the unstable economy and having own problem in herself, Canada shut down their doors to large scale of refugees, but post-war period Austrian immigration also be successful, approximately 30,000 refugees and Austrian citizens found a new home there (Engellman, 1996, p.100). The Austrian economy now offered sufficient jobs and living conditions improved; besides nowadays Austrian labour market can welcome guests. Austrians now emigrated mainly for the sake of change; to experience a new culture or to start a new life by improve, expand or market their professional skills in the wider world. (Engellman, 1996, p.115) In addition to former factors, some push factors can be counted; Canada has better conditions than many other countries in economical area by having 25000$ Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita, having 3% inflation rate that present easier economic conditions to live in and to continue to have better conditions she would raise the living standards which is dependent to labour productivity and labour utilisation. That labour force can be held by immigrant population. As Desikachary Vembar stated, reports shows that immigrant population have an important role to expand the Canadian population (1, 2% growth) where Europeans are decreasing, also Canada needs skilled labour pool for research, people to buy the mass products, people for development and manufacture of products so that immigration to Canada is not just for cheap labour force as other host countries but it also offers qualified jobs; doctors, architects, engineers, lawyers are needed too.
Canada present many opportunities for immigrants that seems attractive especially about citizenship as dual citizenship allowed in Canada, according to laws which means that a person is a citizen of two countries at the same time, having legal rights and obligations in connection with both countries. Eligibility for Canadian Citizenship within three years of arrival in Canada with permanent residence status, and also government facilities like welfare benefits (in case of necessity), free medical facilities, free education, old age insurance, unemployment insurance etc. in view of the political stability and good standard of living are other positive images that shows Canada as a preferable destination. In recent years social scientist propose a "push and pull" model of immigration which can be explained as the beginning of Austrian immigration; push factors: the unstable political situation of Austria after Cold War, unclear fate of Austria's international status, and pull factors: Canada is represents as only one of a number of potentially desirable destination and also the discontent and common hopelessness in post-war central Europe. After this time on Canada attract many people, beside skilled and semi-skilled workers, many intellectuals, musicians, artists, and professionals left Austria (Engellman, 1996). Canada ranked in UN Human Development Index in first place for four year on high educational enrolment levels; high-quality, low cost education; universal health care; clean, safe, cosmopolitan cities; and diverse cultural and recreational amenities which also take all attention on herself as an host community. Another influential feature that Canada has is government support in terms of economical investments. For example many opportunities in the Information Technology sector for software professionals - over 20,000 jobs unfilled in the IT sector (Canadian Immigration and Business Consultant- KAM international webpage). It can be said the migration is possible for investors as well as skilled workers as a consequence of governmental sustain. Impoverishment, overpopulation and looming unemployment are classic examples of push factors which have provided motivation for emigration from rural areas. All of this helpful features increase the attraction to Canada.
Census data (periodic snapshots of a population and its characteristics) in Canada collected every 10 years that provides useful information for the study of ethnic groups. 1991 census lists 27,130 persons who gave "Austrian" as a single response to the ethnic origin question (Szabo, 1996, p.50). However the fact that the number of "ethnic Austrians" declines steadily in the post-war period suggests that the immigrants and their descendants have successfully integrated into Canadian's multicultural society.