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Battle of the Sexes

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Aaron Schwartz

Professional Communications

Essay outline

Prof. Kirshenbaum

Farleigh Dickenson University

Wednesdays 1:00-4:30


"Boys will be boy, girls will be girls"

They say: "Boys will always be boys and girls will always be girls". What does that even mean? Well our society has come to interpret this often said phrase to mean; little boys will always play with their guns while little girls will always play with their dolls. Teenage boys will always play with a football while teenage girls talk on the phone for hours. Men will always watch professional sports while women will still be talking on the phone for hours. Now is this just a stereotype or is this indeed a fact of life? Are guys truly more aggressive? Are women really more nurturing? You better believe it!

Gender differences are real and they are simply more than just a serotype. "Boys will be boys" because their brain tells them to be, not because our society does. "Testosterone plays a huge role in aggression testosterone is the primary male sex hormone produced by the testicles. The male is said to produce forty to sixty times the testosterone then women. The University of Wisconsin did a study in which the researchers injected testosterone into unborn female monkeys. Once these females were born they did not nurture or groom their children they acted like male monkeys and began to become more violent and very aggressive."(York) from that experiment we learn that once the testosterone level was raised in the female monkeys, they acted out more like male monkeys. Thus proving that the higher testosterone level the more aggressive the person would be. And as stated before men produce forty to sixty times more testosterone then women. This is a primary cause in aggression in men, they are not aggressive n because they are told they are to be aggressive by society, but because that is the way man was created.

We see even as far back as biblical times; that women were always more nurturing then men. And men were always more aggressive "Honor thy father and thy mother" (Bible, exodus 20:12). The bible clearly states honor your father and honor your mother, what's interesting in this quote is that it says the father before the mother. There is a reason for that, the reason is as follows: a mother is sweet and tender wanting to give everything for her child and will just about do anything for them. The child see's this trait in his mother and is easily bonded and respectful of her and as a result is not so fearful of her. The father however is the one who disciplines. He is the one who hits the child, and he is the one who yells at him. The bible put the word father first because the son is likely to only respect his mother because of the tender environment she sets. "When it comes to storing emotionally-rich memories women's brain place the memory in a part where emotions and details remain intertwined." (Bazell) What this comes to show is that; this is one of the primary reasons why women are more sensitive and tend to talk about relationships and such. They are more emotional then guys because the brain works differently not because our society says girls are more sensitive.

"On average, women are more cooperative, nurturing, cautious and emotionally responsive. Men tend to be more competitive, assertive, and reckless and emotionally flat. Clear differences appear in early childhood and never disappear. (Tierney) This is evident in the "tend and befriend syndrome." The "tend and befriend syndrome" is found in woman. Two women simply bump into each other, they both apologize, one comments on the others shoe and they somehow strike up a conversation about stores with good sales. The next thing you know they become shopping buddies. "This is also evident in the fight or flight syndrome" the "fight or flight syndrome" is where two men simply bump into each other and both assume the other is at fault and are both ready to start a third world war over it. Due to the fact that woman use both sides of their brain fast they are quicker to communicate with one another and are less likely to fight over something so stupid, woman tend to think more logically, men tend to be more compulsive.

"Ye shall fear every man his mother and his father" ((Bible, Leviticus 19:3). Here the bible is stating one should fear their mother first because again the mother is more sweet and tender and when thinking of your mother fearing her doesn't really cross your mind, it is the father that comes across as more fearful because of the discipline that he stands for. No child likes to be disciplined, thus when discussing the way one should regard a parent, the mother is first with fearing and the father is first with honoring.

"Maddy's husband made the first move, coming up with a brilliant means of escape: he used their baby."(Barry). What he did, was he basically took the baby who was making a little noise and took her into the other room. What was he escaping from? What was in the other room? In the essay "Batting cleanup striking and striking" by Dave Barry, the scene is a bunch of husbands being dragged along with their wives to a friend's house, all the men have to sit around and watch (notice I didn't say listen I said watch) their wives just talk about relationships and such. They all completely tune out and just want to get home so they can watch the World Series game that they are missing. Now one of the men that are there gets a great idea. He picks up his baby (clearly he and his wife are the host) and uses the excuse that the baby needs to be fed. He proceeds to "feed" the baby in the next room, where the World Series just so happens to be on the television. Thus he has successfully escaped the boring conversation in the other room and is now free to watch the World Series.

Now based on that little story you can come to the conclusion that women talk a lot about their emotions and such. And all guys just want to do is watch sports. As a young child I would always innocently wonder about my house, often enough I would hear people screaming, so as any naïve child would do I would follow the noise and see what the meaning of it all is. Well countless times I would discover it was my father and brother yelling at that television set of ours (they were watching football). After seeing what the commotion was about I would go upstairs and wonder into my sister's room and often see her on



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