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Essay by   •  February 2, 2011  •  Study Guide  •  867 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,223 Views

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* First evidence of war- Mesolithic, 12,000 years ago

* Ice Age- all animals died off--advent of human hunter

* Humans and animals hunt; as a way of reenacting the primal transformation from prey to predator

* War and violence reassure the fact that people are no longer prey

* With decline of wild predator and game populations, there would be little to occupy the male who specialized in hunting-p. 123

* Because farming was a major food source; no uniquely male occupation left- woman could care for domesticated animals- 124

* Men who failed as warriors have been reviled as "woman"-p.126- woman looked upon as inferior gender

* War-making is not another occupation that men have monopolized, it is an activity that has defined manhood itself

* Male leadership, just like adult male status in general, must be proved with blood

* Woman are not incapable of fighting

* No compelling biological or natural reason who men have starred in the drama of war

* Men make war to establish fact that they are "real men"

* Insults inflicted in one war call forth new wars of retaliation- effects of one war lead to the next war

* No longer brush off a war party

* Each human society be as war-ready as the other societies it is likely to encounter; that spears be matched with spears

* "but ultimately 'we' fight 'them' because they are different, and their difference is threatening in its challenge to the validity of the ideas we live by"-135

* We make enemy look less human so it is easier to kill

* Given time, fighting will cause two sides to become more like each other- war represents perhaps the most imitative activity known to man

* Practice of naming a child after a particularly valiant enemy was once widespread

* Even with wide race and differences, enemies can admire each other for their conduct as warriors-141

* Warrior depends on his weapons that enables him to exploit the labor of others

* Warriors become predators with in human species

* Warriors and leaders come from aristocracy

* Birthright of men to become warriors

* Woman are tools of warfare

* Some people can never stop fighting- menace to society

* Page 158- battle as a kind of sacrifice

* Battle is rebirth; boyman

* To the true member of the warrior elite, every war can be a holy one

* War brings back captives for religious sacrifice

* War is often pointless destruction

* Factors Favoring the New Religions

* Trade differs from war in that it channels greed into the nonviolent acquisition of wealth; merchant class helped end religious sacrifices

* Factor- growth of lower class composed of the representative of military defeated peoples

* Glory no longer belongs to those who triumph by force but to those who are triumphed over

* Religion is no longer about being militarily strong

* Peasants and common people beginning to get involved in war

* Those who fell in battle could be seen as martyrs analogous to Jesus-170

* Crusades against European heretics represent the ultimate fusion of church and military-171----"kill them all; God will know which are His"

* Religion of was, held little room for the common man, much les the common woman

* Nationalism replaces religion

* Missile-bases warfare favored mass, sub-elite armies in another war too; it made killing as impersonal business



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