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Beach Narrative

Essay by   •  December 19, 2013  •  Essay  •  607 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,295 Views

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Beach Narrative

I was laying on my bed on a cold morning listening to the country playlist I have on my ipod. I was singing along to my favorite song when the music shut off and my focus was directed to the ceiling because the top of my ceiling began to open revealing the night sky. I was confused on what was going on. My focus was no longer on what was happening, I was lost into the starry sky. The stars were shining bright and the moon was fuller than it had ever been. I suddenly felt myself rising at full speed into the night sky like a huge fan was underneath me blowing me up.

My eyes were shut closed tightly. I didn't open my eyes until the force that was pushing me up was gone and I was now standing on a quiet, deserted beach. No one was at the beach. The only sound you could hear were the birds chirping and the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore. I looked down and I could feel the warm, grainy sand in between my toes and the slight salty wind blowing through my hair. I took a step forward into the salty, cold water just enough so the water barely touched my toes. I took a step back because the water froze my toes and looked around me to see that there was no one around for miles except for the sailboats out in the distance. I was the only one on this beach.

I did not know where to go so I started making my way down the beach. I saw a shadow of a figure walking towards me but I thought I was just hallucinating. Suddenly I was standing face to face with my best guy friend, Jacob. We gave each other a big hug. He told me how he was just taking a walk, getting some fresh air. I told him to walk with me so we continued walking talking about everything, giggling, splashing each other with the icy cold water and having fun. We talked and had fun for an hour and it was time he had to go. We said goodbye and hugged for like a century and I watched him walk away. Once he was out of sight I continued my walk along this empty beach.

I heard off in the distant a horse neighing but I thought it was just another hallucination. I couldn't see around a big hill so I started running in case there was in fact an actual horse. I started running, water and sand was flicking up behind me getting my all dirty. I got around to the other side of the hill to find a horse running around in circles like a chicken with its head cut off. I did not know what to do so I left the horse and started



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