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Behind Your Green Eyes

Essay by   •  March 13, 2011  •  Research Paper  •  6,528 Words (27 Pages)  •  1,735 Views

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Behind Your Green Eyes

As I stood at the departure lounge with the remainder of my pride and my memories I couldn't help but wonder what life had for me next. I had left the business that I had built from my blood and sweat to go and be with the one that had taken my heart from the first look into her eyes. I had once been told of a silver lining by this person, but all this time I had thought that the silver lining had been by business and my money. I had neglected the love of others to succeed in my business but now that is all in the past. JFK airport had been the place where it had all begun; just short of 3 years ago I had set foot in America at JFK airport. Me and my business partner had been after a fresh start, America was the place where we both would make a name for ourselves working with each other and building our own empire in the ever growing fragrance industry. The both of us had come out of university in England and wanted a change we had nothing but a small sum of money that had been given during our sandwich year working as marketing executives for Lynx.

A great deal of time was spent looking at our options and every pound and penny was put in the pot so that we could achieve our goal of getting away from England. The months flew by really quickly and by the time we had sorted out where we were going to go it was Christmas, we both agreed to spend as little money as possible in order to increase our chances of succeeding in America. This year Christmas had a different purpose to me it had been meeting up with family and getting up to date with what everyone was up to. But every year I was left aside from all the topics as I was the topic, no one in my family including my parents had any faith in me. In their eyes I was someone who took longer than every one else to get into university and I had chosen the wrong subject to do at university. This year was different everyone knew I had come out of university with my Masters Degree meaning that I had exceeded their expectations. To me this Christmas was the perfect setting to go and tell them that I would no longer be coming to their Christmas dinners anymore and that I would be leaving the country soon after this year's dinner. My room this year looked different the walls where a lot lighter and my door seemed to creak whenever I opened and closed it. There was a sense of home sickness but I was home in my own bed which I had grown in from the age of 7 to 19, all my things had been moved around there where more boxes and bags of old clothes stacked in one corner. After settling down I got changed and got ready to go and have dinner at my aunt's house, if I got there early I could start drinking before early and build up some courage to tell everyone where I was going.

At last dinner was here and as usual everyone had their say about this year and how good it had been for them. I counted the uncle's and aunt's left to me as it got closer to me I felt my grip on my wine glass tighten, my glass went from full to empty in two sips. Then it was my turn every one had their eyes on me waiting for me to speak my mind about the year gone by. The alcohol hadn't help with what I was about to say as each time I ended a sentence I would slur my last word, the moment was getting increasingly awkward for me as I found it hard myself to finish my words. I took a few short seconds to compose myself using every brain cell left to make my words come out. I had chosen to stay only for a few days there, the day after Boxing Day was crisp and I see the snow coming in from the East, the clouds looked grey and they swept across the sky until the whole sky above me was dark. Getting in the car the snow started to fall quite hard covering my windscreen in just seconds getting away from here wouldn't have been easy. The roads as I came out of the drive could not be seen the pavement and road had joined making it impossible to know where I was driving to. People had vacated their houses to see this thick snow coming down, driving by slowly they tried to get a glimpse of the person driving. It had taken me twenty or so minutes to drive half a mile and as they snow fell more and more there was no way I could carry on. I tried to come to a full stop without sliding into any sidewalks or lampposts when I finally felt no more movement by the car I walked out to see where I had ended up. Not far from me was a pub with smoke coming out of its chimney, I had remembered going in once to ask for directions, it being the only place that looked like I could shelter in there for until the snow cleared I slowly walked to it.

As I looked back my car looked like an igloo with a little antenna coming out of the side, I could see a few people in the pub talking, I cautiously walked to the door hoping it was open as now my whole body was shivering the pub looked too warm to turn down. The wave of hot air that hit me when I walked in made my body nice and free again, the land lady had remembered me from the last time I came in and offered me a cup of coffee as soon as I reached the bar. For the remainder of the time I spent in the pub I got to meet some of the regulars and other drivers who thought they would take cover in the pub until they could go home. The land lady had kept a look out for me and when the snow started to settle down and come to a stop she came over to me and gave me a flask of coffee for the ride home. Insisting in leaving some money for all the trouble she rushed me out telling me that if I didn't get a move on I would get caught up in the snow again. Driving along the roads I had something to keep me awake and to keep me warm, when I got to the bigger roads I started to speed up so that I could get home quicker which seemed like a good thing as the bigger roads had more grip than the small roads. Five miles down the M25 I thought another hour of driving at this speed and ill be home, but as I passed junction twelve the car started to slide a little to the left remembering not to slam the brakes down hard or the car will slide even more I took my foot of the gas to try to slow down. The fun just seemed to of started for me as when I did get to a stop the snow had started again, I got out to try and see if I could see where I was but the snow before and now had covered most of the roads scenery giving me a slight idea that I was lost too. I got back in the car to phone up the AA the lady on the phone had said that when the snow stopped they would send someone to pick me and the car up.

So the car was my little home for the time being, as I sat there thinking about if this would happen in America I was slightly anxious to see it for myself. I had been to America before but never to New York, I wanted to see it in the summer and in the



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