Essay by review • November 13, 2010 • Essay • 266 Words (2 Pages) • 992 Views
I enjoyed lifting with my arms. I liked the arms because I saw the most visual improvement. I actually got strong and was able to lift more weight with my legs, but I enjoyed the arms the most. I liked to work the chest and shoulders Tuesdays and work the triceps, biceps, and forearms on Thursday. I also lifted Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and most Saturdays as well. I worked my abs every day and I would also run at least a mile every day I worked out.
Tuesday I would start off by stretching and warming up with some light weights. Then I would do three sets of 8-12 reps. I would do sets of Bench Pressing, Lat Pull Downs, Incline Press, Decline Press, Butterfly and Dumbbell Press, Seated Rows, and the Military Press. I would then cool down with some light weights and then stretch out again.
Thursdays I would warm up with light weights and stretch. I would again do three sets of 8-12 repetitions. I would do sets of Forearm Curls, basic Curls, Concentration Curls, Triceps Pull Down, and Over-Head Dumbbell Extensions. I would cool down by doing a few sets of ten pushups. I would do close-handed pushups, wide arm pushups and the regular pushup.
The other days outside of class I would work the other muscle groups. I generally still did them in the morning to give my muscles a full day to rest between workouts. Good class and I really enjoyed it.