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The adequacy stage theories 1

The adequacy stage theories

Two developmental case reviews

Avinash singh

Psychology 102 , section c13

Instructor: Bob Melara

October 1st 2007

The adequacy stage theories 2

The adequacy stage theories

Two developmental case reviews

The purpose of this paper is to use case studies to evaluate the theories of Jean Piaget and Erik Erikson. Paiget proposed a theory of how the mind develops during childhood. I have interviewed a child who falls within paiget’s preoperational stage. A typical concrete operational child will understand and begin to grasp conservation. This means that they will know that a dollar is the same as 0ne hindered cents and no matter if u take out 25 one cent and replace it with a quarter, it will still add up to a dollar. The competencies of concrete operational children with children in the formal operational stage is that concrete operational children understands why basic things happen. On the other hand formal operational stage children has the ability to question and reason why things happen in general and also comprehend abstract thinking.

I tested whether my case is typical of a child in preoperational stage. My cases name was Eric Saiwak, male and is 7 years old. I then decided to ask Erick a series of questions and also I showed him a magic trick to carry out my test. First I ask Erick if he could count from 1 to 10 then count from 10

The adequacy stage theories 3

The adequacy stage theories

Two developmental case reviews

to 1. He started from 1 to 10 then 10 to 1 and did it with no problems. Subsequently I showed him an experiment with two girls Sally and Anne. Sally puts a ball in a red cupboard and Anne moves it to blue cupboard without Sally knowing. I ask Erick where will sally look for the ball. He replied that sally will look for the ball in the blue cupboard because that’s where it is. Finally I ask him if I close my eyes if he could still see me, he said that he will still see me because I cant disappear. I can now conclude that Erick is a typical concrete operational child according to paiget because from my experiment I saw that Erick had basic knowledge and understanding to analyze my questions and experiment.

Erik Erikson proposed a theory of how humans develop socially through the lifespan. I have interviewed an adult of the age of someone who in either stage 5 (identity vs. role confusion) or stage 6 (intimacy vs. isolation) of Erikson’s scheme. A typical stage 6 adult struggle to form a close relationships and to gain the capacity for intimate love, or they feel socially isolated. The changes in Social development that distinguish a person in

The adequacy stage theories 4

The adequacy stage theories

Two developmental case reviews

stage 6 from stage 5 is that a stage 6 person will have



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