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Broke Without God

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Charlie McGaugh

Macro Economics

Dr. Shankle

November 12, 2012

Broke Without God

The Bible clearly states that we should not owe man anything except the same love that Christ showed us while we were sinners. "Let no debt remain outstanding except the continuing debt to love one another (Romans 12:8)." The bible is also filled with verses about how money and the love we as humans have for it is evil. "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils (1 Timothy 6:10)." "Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5)." All of the things in those verses are things that our nation has succumbed to and the outcome is clearly more debt, over 16 trillion dollars worth to be exact, and rising by the second.

Any fiscal debt that we do owe should be paid immediately even if it calls for our citizens to sacrifice. Sacrifice only to pay our debt not all of these government programs. This is the consequence our country must pay for our worship of money and the things that it buys. The debt must be completely payed before any real change, Christian or otherwise can begin. Government programs, even "good" ones like social security, should be stopped. This not only helps pay our debt, but also sends fiscal responsibility back to the individual who is receiving it. Both of these things, on debt and individual responsibility, are huge steps towards being a country that is financially Godly.

If both government and individuals would now apply Biblical principles to handling money, this alone would take care of any interest rates because there would be no loans. says this about the government, "As it does, it will take money from people who have it to give it back to the people that they feel deserve it, even though they don't earn it, which is a violation of a biblical principle, as you well know. You don't work, you don't eat." We would also have to stop any fiscal relationship with countries that are not Christ centered, except Israel. I know the Bible tells us to take care of one another like the good Samaritan, but that burden should fall on the citizens not the government.

 Inflation is inevitable because we are only one nation among many, but I believe that the US, as a strong Christ-like presence, should set the tone for the rest of the world through respect and example. I am not sure about the regular stock market because you are investing in valid companies and belief in the people or products they represent. Futures, where you buy paper "predicting" the rise or fall of crops and commodities is much like gambling, which is wrong. states that, "Most people use these terms interchangeably. Technically speaking, commodities are the physical item that is being traded, such as gold, crude oil, grains, etc. Futures are the contracts that represent the physical commodity on the exchanges." Romans 13:1-7 makes it clear that we are to submit ourselves to the government. The only instance in which we are allowed to disobey the government is when it tells us to do something the Bible forbids. says, "Even when the government does not live up to its role, we are still to live up to ours. Finally, when the government asks us to do something that is in direct disobedience to God's Word, we are to disobey the government in faithful confidence of the Lord's power to protect us."

Through a Christian view, if we must pay taxes then I think Taxation should be spent on defending our country and spreading the word of God. There is a difference between self-interest and selfishness.



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