Essay by review • December 29, 2010 • Essay • 2,311 Words (10 Pages) • 1,280 Views
Buddhism is a religion that has recently been brought to the attention of more people in society. People are intrigued by the life of Buddhists because of their ability to live with very little possessions of their own. Most people do not realize that Buddhism is not only a religion it is also a way of life. Buddhism is a choice that people decide to study, or they are born into families that study Buddhism. Not all Buddhists are monks, and not all Buddhists live solitary lives. In an interview with a Buddhist monk, he tells of life as a Buddhist, and his experiences. I hope that this paper will show the differences between Buddhism and other religions such as Christianity.
In Buddhism, people are not required to abandon their other religious or personal beliefs as long as they do not interfere or contradict the principles of Buddhism (Fisher, 2007). People who study Buddhism are also not required to dress a certain way or eat a certain diet. As for relationships with others, one is not required to change unless they are going to become a Buddhist monk only then are there specific rules to follow. Some Buddhists do however choose to change the way they dress, eat and their relationships on their own. This is what is called taking refuge (about.com, 2007). Taking refuge means that they have made a conscious choice to begin the process to liberation.
According to Fisher (2007), Buddhists believe in the “Four Noble Truths”. The first of the “Four Noble Truths” is that life inevitably involves suffering, is imperfect, and unsatisfactory (Fisher, 2006). In the second of the truths Buddhists believe that suffering originates in our own desires (Fisher, 2007). Meaning that if something is desired it will cause suffering to either get it or to have it. The third truth of Buddhism is that if desires cease then there would be an end to suffering (Fisher, 2007). The last of the “Four Noble Truths” is that there is a way to realize the state of liberation, and that is The Eightfold Path (Fisher, 2007).
In following this path to liberation, people could pull themselves out of suffering and achieve the final goal, which is liberation (about.com, 2007). The first part of The Eightfold Path of Liberation is to understand the “Four Noble Truths” completely (Buddism.about.com, 2007). By understanding the “Four Noble Truths”, one is on his or her way to total liberation. The second factor is to have the right thought and motives (about.com, 2007) In other words, to free oneself from “unwholesome thoughts and allow oneself to be relaxed, clear and open minded instead of having the limitations of self-centeredness (about.com, 2007). The third factor in The Eightfold Path of Liberation is the right to speech (Fisher, 2006). To be a Buddhist means to give up all talk that is not in a positive manner to oneself or to others. A Buddhist is required to speak the truth and try to create harmony. Right action is the fourth factor in The Eightfold Path of Liberation (Fisher, 2006). For a Buddhist, living by the right action means observing the five basic precepts for moral conduct. The five basic precepts are:
1. Avoid destroying life
2. Avoid stealing
3. Avoid sexual misconduct
4. Avoid lying
5. Avoid intoxicants
The fifth element of The Eightfold Path of Liberation, the right to livelihood, means that one’s way of making a living does not violate the five precepts (Fisher, 2006). In following the sixth factor, the right effort, one continually strives to cut off unwholesome states (Fisher, 2006). This means that a Buddhist will remove himself from past, present or future people, places, or things that will cause them to have desires (about.com, 2007). The seventh part of the path is that a Buddhist must have right mindfulness (Fisher, 2006). Liberation is considered to be achieved through the mind, so this factor is very important to Buddhists. The final factor in The Eightfold Path of Liberation is the right meditation (Fisher, 2006). In the eight factor of the path a Buddhist should be able to have enough mental discipline to quiet the mind itself (Fisher, 2006). In following both the “Four Noble Truths” and The Eightfold Path of Liberation Buddhist live their lives to find total liberation from all.
Karma is another belief of Buddhism. Buddhists believe that every action has a consequence, no matter how big or small and no matter good or bad. They believe that people are born and reincarnate several times over and that the action one takes in his or her past and present life affects the future lives one has. One will find that Buddhists are very serious people. They treat all life as sacred. They are always trying to liberate themselves so every experience everything they do in life is a learning experience on their path to enlightenment or liberation.
Buddhists have temples that they honor Buddha in. As an outsider looking at a
Buddhist Temple one might get intimidated. The Young Won Sa Korean Temple is a beautiful place. This temple was established in 1993. The location of the temple is on a large area on the outskirts of town approximately seven miles from the city limits. There is not a whole lot around except nature. There is a main building where the main temple is housed. Inside the main building are rooms for the monks to live as well as rooms for meditation with small statues of Buddha in them. There are paintings and drawings all throughout the building that depict Buddha’s life. The paintings and drawings are beautiful and have exceptional detail. In the main part of the temple there is a large statue of Buddha with flowers, food, and trays of incense placed in front of the statue. These are offerings from the Buddhist monks that live there and other Buddhists who come to meditate. When leaving the main building there are several smaller buildings on the property. Some of these buildings are for visitors to stay to include visiting monks. Others are used for storage of food from the crops, and for goods made for money to upkeep the temple. There is also a big statue of Buddha outside under what most would call a gazebo. There is green outdoor carpet that leads up to the statue. Here there are also offerings placed in front of the statue. The people who visit the temple also use the area to meditate and honor Buddha. There are four fountains on the property that have very intricate detail on them. They are made of concrete and are beautiful. Away from all the meditation spots, there is a garden area that is used to grow vegetables,