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Essay by   •  February 23, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,270 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,295 Views

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Why does food become a deadly enemy for some people? Well, society continues to send the message to young women and even to a small number young men (more and more men are becoming victims of eating disorders these days) that to be happy and successful one must be thin, which causes them to starv and/or binge and purge themselves in an attempt to gain what the media considers an ideal figure. The media is full of \"toothpick\" thin models, in which women desire to be like. Women often need to be in the feel of being in control, it is an ongoing battle they encounter with perfection. Bulimia nervosa is a disorder with psychological, and physiological effects. It is an eating disorder, common especially among young women of normal weight, that is characterized by episodic binge eating. Bingeing is defined as the rapid consumption of a large amount of food, often a bulimic person will eat more in two hours than a normal person would consume in an entire day. Binges are often followed by feelings of guilt, shame, loss of control, anxiety and depression. These negative feelings, especially anxiety and shame lead to bulimic behaviors, such as purging. The most common purging behavior is vomiting, which is a way to dispose of the calories and fat taken

in that causes weight gain orally. The other way of diposing calories and fat are the use of laxatives, it is not as common as vomiting. There is more pain caused to the anus when using laxitives, then there is pain to the throat when vomiting, thats why laxatives are a less common way and vomiting is a more common way.

Exact causes of bulimia nervousa are unknown even though in studies there is some evidence that an occurring

brain chemical may influence eating behaviors, because it is in connection to the regulation of food intake. Growing/constant peer pressure is also a big help of causing bulimia, as well as low self-esteem. Young women with an older sister, mom, or even friend that has an eating disorder is ten times more likely to develop

one herself, than any other child on their own. There are psychological factors of body dissatisfaction, self-esteem (as said before), perfectionism and abuse-associated with

bulimia nervosa and women. While perfectionism and abuse have been risk factors in the models of bulimia, body dissatisfaction and low self-esteem seem to contribute more to bulimic behavior. However, the processes that might account for such a linkare not yet well understood say many scientists.

In the past 20 years, eating disorders have increased dramatically. Approximately 90 percent of patients suffering from an eating disorder are aged 15 to 29. The two main types of eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. From about 3 to 10 percent of women with bulimia tendencies outnumber anorexia tendencies by at least 2 to 1. Both can lead to a wide range of physical health complications, including sweating, breathlessness, rapid heartbeat, hot flashes, rotten teeth, digestive disorders, malnourishment, anemia, infected glands, blisters in the throat, internal bleeding, icy hands and feet, ruptured stomach or esophagus, kidney failure, which may lead to death. On a graph that i studied, eating disorders the United States appear to be about as common in Hispanic women as in Caucasians, which is more common among Native Americans, and less common among blacks and Asians. I found it very interesting.

Everybody eats. We do so both because we need to and because we enjoy it. However, with all human behavior, there are huge differences between people. Some eat more, some eat less, some put on weight easily, others do not. And some people go to

such extremes that they harm themselves, by eating too much or too little. As a result, they may harm their health and friends, family,or even teachers may become aware of this person\'s problem. If someone is aware of the problem they should talk to the person about getting help, and treatment before its too late. Long term damaging effects of Bulimia are low blood sugar and hyperglycemia, lower

resting metabolic rates, and malnutrition. If a woman with active bulimia gets pregnant, problems may result such as miscarrage, high blood pressure, baby isn't born alive, low birth weight, low Apgar score (tests done after birth to make sure the baby is healthy), they baby tries to come out with feet or buttocks first, birth by c-section, baby is born early, and depression after the baby is born

Sometimes treatment is very difficult because the person needs to quit denying the problem that may perminatley



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