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Buyer Behaviour

Essay by   •  March 16, 2013  •  Essay  •  3,139 Words (13 Pages)  •  1,642 Views

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Executive Summary

This assignment gives students opportunities to explore the relationship between the buyer behavior theory and consumer buying behavior. In the introduction part, I have indicated that my high involvement purchase decision was an iPad. I have identified two important theories namely Traits Theory of Personality and Symbolic Self Completion in this report. Trait theory of personality clarified that everybody possesses different characteristics and traits which form different personality. In general, human being daily behaviors are mainly associated with their own personality. While, Symbolic Self Completion theory argues that some of the activity carry out by an individuals tend to substantiate their desire identity. Besides, the application of the theories in light of my purchase was well demonstrate throughout this report to give an apparent insight on how I was influenced to make the purchase decision. Generally, my purchase decision was correlated to my impulsive behavior and all centrism as I tend to outline my identity into one who is able to catch up with the fast-changing technology era. Furthermore, Trait Theory and Symbolic Self Completion theory in marketing strategy were discussed. For instance, Maxis used the pricing strategy to target those impulsive customers. Maxis offer new iPad from RM999 and from RM699 for One Club members to attract customers who are price-sensitive. Moreover, Apple tries hard to build their high technology image in their iPad 3 commercial. In iPad 3 commercial, Apple focused on how iPad can help to simplify human daily live. From the research I made, it was concluded that my purchase decision was reflected in Trait Theory of Personality and Symbolic Self Completion Theory. Maxis and Apple has utilized these two theories in planning their market management and strategy. As a conclusion, it is proven that Trait Personality and Symbolic Self Completion theories play a critical role in determining the purchase decision.

Table of Content


Executive Summary i

Table of Content ii

1.0 Introduction 1

1.1 Objective 1

1.2 Background 1

1.3 Data Source 1

1.4 Methodology 1

1.5 Purchase summary 2

2.0 Theories Research 3

2.1 Trait Theory of Personality 3

2.2 Symbolic Self Completion Theory 4

3.0 Application of Theories of Real World 5

3.1 Application of Trait Theory of Personality 5

3.2 Application of Symbolic Self Completion theory 6

4.0 Marketing Strategy in relation to Theories 7

4.1 Application of Traits Personality in Marketing Strategy 7

4.2 Application of Symbolic Self Completion in Marketing Strategy 7

5.0 Recommendation 8

5.1 Recommendation in terms of Traits Theory of Personality 8

5.2 Recommendation in terms of Symbolic Self Completion theory 8

6.0 Conclusion 9


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Objective

The objective of this assignment is to study the relationship between buyer behavior theory and consumer buying behavior. In this assignment, students are require to relate consumer buying behavior with marketing theory and this will allows students to have an in-depth research and study on how marketers manipulate the consumers buying behavior through different marketing tools.

1.2 Background

In this assignment, students were required to come out with a formal report which is a combine of theory review and individual experience. Students were tasked to choose a recent high-involvement purchase and demonstrate how they were influenced by the consumer behavior theory.

1.3 Data Source

Primary and secondary data have been used throughout this report to help in completing the full assignment. Personal experiences and reviews are grouped under primary data while online journal, websites, textbook and etc were categorized as secondary data to further backup the report.

1.4 Methodology

Different methods had been deployed to complete this assignment. I have used internet in searching precious information which can further support my stance. Besides, I have used Swinburne Database, Ebscohost to acquire further reading materials and it gives me a wider insight on how consumers cognitive work, mainly in consumptions decision.

1.5 Purchase Summary

The high-involvement purchase that I have chosen was an iPad 3 in this report. I have just bought my new iPad about a month ago at the Maxis store nearby my house. The reason why I bought it was due to peers influence. Many of my friends own an iPad. The iPad is useful for browsing web and keeping up with content online. Also, keep up with social networking sites and the App Store also features thousands of games that can be played alone or over a Wi-Fi or 3G network with friends. Besides, word processing and office apps such as Pages and Office HD which allow you to work on documents and presentations on your iPad. It allows them to communicate with each other via Skype, Messenger and etc. All these applications facilitate communication through Skype, Facebook or Twitter at free cost. Therefore, it is much easier to contact each other. My friends have been persuading me to buy an iPad because they all deemed that it is time for me to get a iPad and stop being a laggard. In deed, I was spellbound by the various game applications of iPad. All these games are very addictive and some of the game applications can be downloaded at free cost. Furthermore, I am able to update my email daily and always updated to the latest news. Moreover, equip myself with an iPad makes me feel more socially accepted as people around me mostly own an iPad. It also means that I am able to cope with the fast-changing



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