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Cancer, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Essay by   •  December 18, 2010  •  Research Paper  •  1,907 Words (8 Pages)  •  1,756 Views

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Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and treatment

There are over 10,000,000,000,000 cells in your body. Although these cells can do different jobs, each one has a nucleus with the same set of 46 chromosomes.

Yet all of this came from a single cell with one set of 46 chromosomes. Within about 6 minutes of fertilization, this cell copied itself to make two cells. This was your first experience of mitosis. Soon after, these two cells copied themselves to make four and so on. You have been subject to mitosis ever since (billions of times).

By copying the original 46 chromosomes, your body has created more than a hundred billion kilometers of DNA - that's enough to stretch around the Earth 2,500 times. Mitosis has copied a total of about 100 ZB of data. As a rough estimate, this is equivalent to making a million copies of all the hard drives in the world. [1 ZB is a zeta byte of data. This is 1 with twenty four zeros after it].However, although this is an amazing feat, it does sometimes go wrong. This can result in a cancerous growth.

Cancer is a disease that originates in our own cells. A change in the DNA causes a special gene called an oncogene to be switched on. This leads to uncontrollable cell reproduction by mitosis. And this is called Oncogenesis and in the layman's word is called cancer.

When cells begin to grow in an uncontrolled way, they form a lump called a tumor. Some tumors stay within one specific area. They do not spread into surrounding tissues and may not cause any problems. If it is easy to do so, these benign tumors are usually removed by surgery. There are usually no further problems.

Cancers are dangerous types of growths called malignant tumors. In this type of tumor the cells invade the surrounding tissues. Cancer cells

Step 1 - The primary tumor develops as a group of cells that are growing out of control.

Step 2 - The tumor gets bigger and stimulates blood vessels to supply it from the surrounding tissues.

Step 3 - Tumor cells squeeze into blood and lymph vessels and move to other parts of the body

Step 4 - When the tumor cells reach other areas of the body, like the liver and lungs, they begin to grow and form secondary tumors. If they are not treated quickly enough, the damage that these secondary tumors cause can be fatal, as there is amechanical impediment to the functioning of the organs as well as a competition for the blood supply

"Every interference or intervention which disturbs man's biological-dynamic balance, his place in the cosmic scheme of things, in the dipolar field current of Electro-magnetic powers which surrounds the world, and its creatures, and which govern the entire cosmos, every interference with these far reaching relationships, promotes the disease of cancer." -Johanna Budwig, Ph.D.

Most degenerative diseases, including cancer, do not have a readily identifiable enemy. In a bacterial infection, you can attack the "cause" of the disease with an antibiotic. Cancer seems to be caused by a collection of lifestyle and environmental factors that accumulate over the years. Since success against any degenerative disease requires getting to the root of the problem, let's examine the accepted causes of cancer.

There is a basic flaw in our thinking about health care in this country. We treat symptoms, not the underlying cause of the disease. Yet, the only way to provide long-lasting relief in any degenerative disease, cancer, arthritis and heart disease, is to reverse or treat the basic cause of the disease.

No two persons in the world have exactly the same set of cofactors (i.e. Set of causes for cancer), thoughts and life situations. Significantly different set of cofactors, thoughts and life situations can promote (cause) the same kind of cancer at two different persons. Almost identical set of cofactors, thoughts and life situations can cause different kind of cancer in two different persons.

Of the 5 million registered chemicals in the world, mankind comes in contact with 70,000, of which at least 20,000 are known carcinogens, or cancer-causing agents. Each year, America alone sprays 1.2 billion pounds of pesticides on our food crops, dumps 90 billion pounds of toxic waste in our 55,000 toxic waste sites, feeds 9 million pounds of antibiotics to our farm animals to help them gain weight faster and generally bombards the landscape with questionable amounts of electromagnetic radiation.

Bruce Ames, PhD of the University of California at Berkeley has estimated that each of the 60 trillion cells in your body undergoes from 1,000 to 10,000 potentially cancer-causing DNA breaks every day. Yet somehow for most of us, our DNA repair mechanisms and immune system surveillance are able to keep this storm of genetic damage under control. Wallowing in our own high tech effluvia is a major cause of cancer in modern society, since carcinogens add to the fury of the continuous assault on the DNA. Samuel Epstein, MD of the University of Illinois, says that a major thrust of cancer prevention must be detoxifying our earth. Toxins not only cause DNA breakage, which can trigger cancer, but also subdue the immune system, which then allows cancer to become the "fox in the chicken coop", with no controlling force.

Early research indicated that once cancer has been unregulated, or "the lion is out of the cage", then no amount of detoxification is going to matter. Newer evidence says otherwise. Cancer growth can both be slowed and even reversed under the right conditions. According to the National Cancer Institute, there are 7 million Americans alive today who have lived 5 or more years after their cancer diagnosis. Cancer is reversible. If toxins caused the problem, then detoxification is the solution. Detoxification includes expelling accumulated:

* wastes that are natural by-products of living

* toxins from our heavily polluted environment

* Dead cancer cells from the battle within.

Detoxification involves accelerating the excretion of poisons out of the body via urine, sweat, and feces, including the use of chelation, herbal purgatives, hot baths and enemas. Other main causes of Cancer are,

* Distress -Since the 1920s, scientific evidence has been gathering that emotional stress can depress the immune system and make that individual more vulnerable to infections and cancer.

* Exercise. While one out of three Americans will eventually develop cancer, only one out of seven active Americans will get cancer. Exercise imparts many benefits, including oxygenation of the



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