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Capital Punishment

Essay by   •  February 19, 2011  •  Essay  •  524 Words (3 Pages)  •  899 Views

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Capital Punishment

For years capital punishment has been viewed as an extreme punishment for criminals and because of this many nations have been reluctant to adopt it. Of course we view capital punishment as an extreme punishment and it isn't something that the judicial system takes lightly. The death penalty is only used when there is enough evidence brought to a case in order to judge the plaintiff guilt beyond any reasonable doubt; no room is left for error. When a criminal is convicted and sentenced to the death penalty with parole they are eligible for parole in the highest court. We believe that the death penalty is a good way to rid the world of criminals and a good deterrent for would-be criminals. Moreover, it's a more humane way of treating murders then locking then up for life without parole and it's more economic for the society not to have the burden of supporting these murderers. If we were to lock up murderers for life, hypothetically speaking, they could escape posing a even deeper threat to society. Neither do we think that a murderer should be given the privilege of eating three meals a day in an air conditioned institute.

We believe that the death penalty should be seen as morally correct and a way of fulfilling God's notion of peace on earth. According to biblical scripture our purpose for existence is to achieve a peace on earth in preparation of the second coming of Christ as promised to us in the Book of Revelation. We believe in order to achieve this notion of the final good we must first rid the earth of all the evil that lies within it as God did when He punished the sinners in the Great Flood. You may ask, who are we to play God and make that final judgment, well as Jesus said we are always to strive for perfection as it is our own God that is perfect, also it's said that God is with us acting through us. In riding the earth of all the sinners we are preparing for the second coming of Christ.

The great philosopher Emmanuel Kant wrote about a universal maxim; one rule that can be universalized within society. If we were to apply this to the death penalty we would find that we are fulfilling the universal maxim of the murderer and in doing so respecting his intelligence. If a person were to go out and commit a murder by killing him in return we are respecting his maxim. Also Aristotle wrote about his teleological ethics



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