Child Abuse
Essay by winniey • November 12, 2012 • Research Paper • 2,427 Words (10 Pages) • 1,000 Views
Child abuse
Formerly, during the middle age periods, children were believed to be little adults. However, psychology of today ignores the definition of a child from that perspective (Currie &Tekin 56). The difference between a child and an adult is derived from the developmental distinctions as well a moral conduct. Generally, though a child is view differently, many nations usually define a child as any human being who is below the age of 18 years. Such countries include United States of America, United Kingdom and a developing country like Kenya. Our discussion of child abuse will be based on the above general definition. Just like how a child is viewed differently, child abuse is also defined differently. However, almost all definitions are acceptable as they take into account the central point of the concept. It is defined as any act of commission or omission that poses danger or affects the physical or emotional health and development of a child. The damage caused to the child is sometimes beyond explanation as it presents an injury or continuous injuries. These injuries usually appear to be non-accidental, but they affect the child in a great manner. This paper explores the concept of child abuse giving priority to the causes of child abuse in the world today (Currie &Tekin 67).
Before we explore our main concern, there is need to know the forms of child abuse. Child abuse does not only injure the physical conformation of a child. This act comes through many forms. These are as discussed below;
Forms of child abuse
Physical abuse
This is the most common form of child abuse. It is the injury sustained by a child at the hands of his/her care taker. The injury/injuries are inflicted to the child and are viewed as non-accidental. Specifically, physical abuse is a form of mistreatment which is inflicted to a child through actions such as hitting the child with an object or a stick, a strap. Other care givers burn, stab, shake, kick or punch the child. This abuse even goes to an extent of one choking a child. Physical abuse is harmful and painful as it causes a lot of pain to the body of the child. The above specify all the cases concerned with child physical abuse. Biting the child's skin as well as pulling the child's hair is also an identified case of physical abuse on a child. Physical abuse is very serious as it can cause injuries to an extent of causing the death of the child. Also, these abuses may cause disability to a child (Gallagher 768).
Sexual abuse
This form of abuse has been reported very widely in today's world. Children are suffering due to sexual abuse from relatives, parents, teachers and other people. Children of all ages are being subjected to this form of abuse. It involves sexual intercourse or its deviations. This may involve, sexual exploitation, touch/caressing a child, penetrating a child's vagina or anus with a penis or an object that does not have a valid medical purpose, fondling, etc. it not only involves touching but also other actions like masturbating in front of a child, exposing children to pornographic material, engaging in indecent exposure and also willingly exposing a child to the act of sexual intercourse. Legally, child sexual abuse is forcing, coercing or threatening a child to have any form of sexual contact or engaging in any type of sexual activity while the child is observing (Gallagher 798).
Child neglect
Every child is entitled to quality care. Provisions such as food, clothing, medical care, shelter and supervision towards a child's well being, safety and health are entitled to a child. Anything which threatens this leads to child neglect. The above should be executed by a child's care givers and those surrounding the child's environment (Ney, Fung &Wickett 401).When a child is not provided with the relevant and adequate necessities important for survival, then the child is said to be neglected. Also, a child needs, love and nurture. In reality for example, if a child regularly absents from school, steals or begs for money, lacks dental or medical care, has no sufficient clothing or is consistently dirty, that child is a neglected child. Child neglect is very rampant when a child is born of a teenager, poor or careless parents. It is most common in developing countries.
Emotional abuse
Any behavior from a parent or anyone in authority which attack's a child's emotional wellbeing leads to emotional abuse. This happens when unreasonable demands are placed on a child; when a child is intimidated through use of aggressive methods or when verbal attacks are made to the child. Insulting, constant criticism, cruel teasing and belittling are forms of verbal attacks. Generally, emotional abuse is any attack that undermines a child's self esteem. When a child is denied love and support, he/she is exposed to abnormal psychological growth and development. This is emotional abuse (Carl 78).
Having knowledge on the different forms of child abuse, we now look at our main issue, that is, what makes parents/relative/caregivers and other people subject children to such abuses? Our discussion will be based on the different forms of child abuse;
Causes of child abuse
Substance addiction
Child abuse is rampant in children whose parents are addicted by either alcohol or other drugs. Drug addition interferes with the psychological, physiological and the sociological nature of human being. Due to this addiction, parents may be pressured to abuse child sexually when they are not in their right states of mind (Carl 54). Sexual abuse for example is a very critical form of child abuse which is a little bit impossible to be done by a person who is in the right state of thinking. Drugs and alcohol may cause parents and relatives to subject their children to sexual abuse. An addicted person has fewer feelings towards other people. Only drugs control his/her existence. Thus, when a child annoys him /her, this can result to child injury through physical beatings and other forms of physical treatment. Also, some children may cry when annoyed, an addicted person may not understand this and thus use physical injury as a method of disciplining the child. Drug and alcohol abuse may cause emotional child abuse. When parents and care givers are addicts, they may talk to a child through a harsh manner or annoy the child regularly, through this, a child's self esteem is interfered with. Too much noise directed to a child may be of harm. Also, the child may be subjected to emotional trauma when he/she thinks of the kind of parents or care givers he/she was born