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Child Neglect and Abuse

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Child Neglect and Abuse

Sarah Brown

HS5318-Scope of Human Services

Capella University

March 20, 2015

Table of Contents

Abstract-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------page 3

What is Child Abuse and Neglect-------------------------------------------------------------------page 4

Types of Child Abuse and   Neglect-----------------------------------------------------------------page 5

Effects----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------page 8

Warning Signs------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------page 9

Risk factors--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------page 10

Prevention==------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------page 11

Human Service Model-------------------------------------------------------------------------------page

Conclusion-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------page 12

References--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------page 13


The goal of this paper is to discuss the affects of child abuse and neglect throughout childhood to adolescent life. Research will be presented that will support why child abuse and neglect should be recognize and increase preventative measures. This is a serious problem that can affect from an early age to adulthood. As citizens of the United States, we need to take a more active role in our youth to prevent and protect them from enduring this suffering in their life. I strongly believe that child abuse and neglect is a serious problem that needs to be addressed within our society.

Child abuse and neglect is a serious problem that is affecting the United States. The health and well-being of the children are being jeopardize by individuals who we rely on and trust.  “In the United States, it is estimated that there were 3.2 million referrals to child protection service agencies for suspected maltreatment and 794,000 cases of children determined to be victims of child abuse or neglect in 2007. During 2007, an estimated 1,760 children died as a result of child abuse or neglect” (Currie & Widom, 2010, p.111).  Child abuse also can be referred to as maltreatment. Neglect can be defined as failure by a caregiver or parent to provide the inappropriate treatment to an individual.  Neglect cases reflected that a judgment that the parents’ deficiencies in childcare were beyond those found acceptable by the community and professional standards. Approximately 10% of the abused and neglected children experienced more than one type of abuse” (Widom, Czaja and Dutton, 2014,p. 651).

In order to help children who are experiencing child neglect and abuse, one must be able to recognize the signs and symptoms. The federal legislation establishes the state laws on child maltreatment with minimum set of acts or behaviors.  According to “The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) Act of 2010, defines child abuse and neglect as, at minimum: rules for child abuse and neglect is defined as Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation; or an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm” (CAPTA, 2010).

Types of Child Neglect

There are four types of neglect: medical, education, emotional and physical. Usakli,( 2012) stated “Child abuse constitutes all forms of physical and/ or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity. The abuse takes place in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power” (p.115). Neglect has many appearances such as poor hygiene, stealing, hiding food or eating a lot in one setting and absenteeism.  The medical neglect is when the responsible party refuses to provide health care for a child when they can financially afford it. By not providing the child with medical care immediately or at all, the child runs the risk of being disabled, dying or being disfigured. (   ) Emotional neglect is when the caregiver or parent belittle the child, lacking or refusing affection towards the child,  ignoring the child, verbally assaulting, terrorizing or corrupting or exploiting . This behavior can lead to low self esteem, alcohol or drug usage, suicide or destructive behavior. Educational neglect is when the parent or caregiver does not enroll the child into school or fail to provide home schooling. When the child does not attend school on a regularly basis this become a truancy issues.  All of the school essential personnel become involved to contact the parent or caregiver to find out why the child has not been attending school. This could also result in the parent or caregiver being served a fine in some states. Due to not attending or providing educational needs to the child, the child is in jeopardy of failing or dropping out of school due to getting behind in academics. Last but not least, you have physical neglect. Physical neglect is when the caregiver or parent does not provide the necessities such as food, clothing or shelter. If a child does not have the adequate necessities s of life, it could result in death, malnutrition and illness. A child can assume multiple categories based on the impact of the abuse and neglect. “Physical abuse is an enormous cost to society in the form of service system expenditures, health care costs and decreased quality of life” (Swenson et al., 2010, p. 498).

Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect

A child who experience abuse or neglect and left ignored or rejected runs the risk of having emotional and behavioral problems in the future.  Based on the age that the incident occurred will depend on the impact it has on the child. “These problems often extend into adulthood, where individuals who were abused as children are at increased risk of difficulties such as anxiety, depression, and poor health” ( Swenson et. al.,  2010, p.497). The effects of that could occur are anxiety, dissociation, difficult concentration, academic problems, flashbacks, withdrawal, difficult sleeping and depression.  Although these symptoms occur in a child’s life with the right support and help, they can still live a productive and healthy life. The physical effects on child abuse and neglect are more susceptible to children then adults because of their development. According to Slack et., at (2011), “ Younger children are at a greater risk for child neglect victimization than older children, with infants representing the highest risk group. Child fatalities from neglect are more common among younger children” (p. 1354). When a child is being abused or neglected it is obvious by their appearance. Sometimes, the parent or caregiver is careful not to leave any visible signs of abuse or neglect on the child. Here are signs of physical neglect which are visible to the naked eyes bruises, welts, swelling, sprains, fractures, burns, lacerations or abrasions and difficult walking or sitting. 



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