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Christ the Master Teacher

Essay by   •  November 24, 2010  •  Essay  •  555 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,740 Views

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Christ is known as the Master Teacher because of many reasons. Yet I think that the main ones are that everything he said was something that we could use and learn from, he never judged anyone by their reputation, and he was always more than willing to help. I feel that these are some of the bigger reasons that people refer to Christ as the Master Teacher.

While Christ was alive with a flesh and bone body here on earth I feel that he always was teaching a lesson. He always did what was asked of him without any question. Christ was continually learning and teaching while on this earth. He began very early in his mission to indicate who he was and why he was here. He had a great mission to perform. He had to teach everyone on earth the true way to live. Henry B. Eyring once said to Sunday school teachers. "You are in the master's service. You are his representative. Eternal lives depend on you... there will be times when you will feel overwhelmed. One of the ways you will be attacked is with the feeling that you are inadequate to answer a call to represent God with only your own powers. But you have access to more than your natural capacities, and you do not work alone." Even though we might not all be Sunday school teachers this principle applies to anyone that enters the teaching profession. Like Christ we are going into a profession where we need help from others to be able to perform to our best abilities. We need to learn new teaching techniques, share insights and experience, hear about successful teaching methods used by other teachers, and increase our ability and power to teach. The best way that we can learn to enhance our ability as a teacher we must look to Christ and see the things that he has done and become as much like him as possible.

While on earth he always ran into people whose reputations preceded them. On one occasion he showed people what they should do if they are put in that kind of situation. Christ said "Ye have heard that it said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." So while someone may have physically committed adultery they are just as bad as the people that think about it. Christ did not condemn these people just warn them that they needed to keep their thoughts clean.

Christ was so willing to help and be there for people when he was



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