Essay by review • November 12, 2010 • Research Paper • 4,404 Words (18 Pages) • 1,540 Views
Church Doctrine II
We are Christians, it's our very name, this doctrine is why we are not Jews even though we call the OT scripture.
Colossians 1.15-23
1. Image of invisible God
2. Creator
3. Head of the body, the church (no decapitated Christianity)
4. Supreme in all things (any question? Christ is the answer, period, even over OT)
5. Reconciler of world
6. Peace maker by his blood, shed on cross
7. Reconciled by physical body through death
8. This is the gospel, the good news.
Colossians 1.24 - and the disciples suffer the afflictions of Christ as his body
Philippians 2.5-11 (3.7-21)
1. Very nature God
2. Poured himself out completely
3. Servant
4. Human
5. Humble
6. Obedient to death, even on a cross
7. Exalted to highest place
8. Name above every name
9. Every knee bow, tongue confess that
10. Jesus Christ is LORD
Philippians 2.14-18 - and the disciples live accordingly, pouring selves out like Christ did
Hebrews 8.6-13
1. Jesus ministry/service is superior to old way
2. Jesus covenant is superior to old covenant
3. Something wrong with first covenant
4. New covenant is different
5. Old is obsolete, disappearing
1 Corinthians 1.18-31
1. Cross of Christ is foolishness to perishing
2. Cross of Christ is power of God
3. Wisdom of world is foolishness (you don't conquer by dying/being killed/suffering)
4. Christ crucified (apparent defeat) is what we preach
5. Stumbling block (skandalon) and foolishness
6. Christ - power of God, wisdom of God
7. Foolishness of God wiser, weakness of God stronger
8. Foolish shames wise, weak shames strong, lowly and despised to nullify high
9. So no one can boast before God, boast only in the Lord
2 Corinthians 3.3-18
1. Disciples are letters from Christ
2. Ministers of new covenant of Christ
3. Letter kills, Spirit gives life
4. Old covenant/letter/law brings death and condemns people
5. Old covenant/letter/law brings still glorious then, fading, but no glory compared to new
6. Ministry of Spirit more glorious
7. Veil over Old covenant removed only in Christ
8. Turn to Christ to see Christ in Old covenant
9. We are becoming transformed into his likeness
2 Corinthians 4.5-12 - this truth has meaning for disciples as they are given over to death for Jesus' sake in order to bring life to the lost
Person of Christ
Jesus of Nazareth, we are talking about a real person, with real options in his life and real temptations. (Yoder, four options)
1. Zealot
2. Sadduccee
3. Pharisee
We need to talk about what he did and said, his words and deeds. We can affirm all kinds of things about Jesus and still not understand him, call him Savior and Messiah but not know who he is.
Mark 8.27-38; Matthew 16.13-(23)-27; Luke 9
Peter's confession of Christ, misunderstanding of what that meant, rebuking of Jesus, and rebuke by Jesus
1. Peter called him the Messiah, expected violent revolution of Roman empire
2. Jesus explained suffering, rejection, killing, and resurrection . . . in that order
3. Peter insisted "Never! This won't happen to you" We won't let it!
4. Jesus responded, "Tempter/stumbling block, not things of God but men."
5. Anyone who follows the Christ of the scriptures must literally deny self, take cross, lose life. Not symbolic.
Christology is not abstract, it is very concrete and a stumbling block.
Luke 7.22-23 (following life and teaching; 4.18-19 & rejection at hometown)
1. Blind see, lame walk, lepers cured, deaf hear, dead raised, good news to poor
2. Good for the person who does not fall away on account of me.
3. v. 29-30 - sinners accept, religious reject
4. v. 33-35 - glutton, drunkard, friend of sinners . . . wisdom proven right by children.
A Christology faithful to Jesus' own teaching, life, and calling will be a stumbling block.
Matthew 5-7, Transforming Initiatives of the Sermon on the Mount (Stassen)
Christology of aggressive actions, not list of 'don'ts.'
The Humanity of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ