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Essay by   •  November 11, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,199 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,470 Views

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Cleopatra is a name that was given to many Queens who ruled in Egypt. The most famous of these women was Cleopatra VII. She was the daughter of Ptolemy XII, King of Egypt. Cleopatra VII lived from 69-30 B.C. and reigned as queen of Egypt from 51-30 B.C. (Stanly). Cleopatra is said to be far from beautiful, her picture on ancient coins made her look like she had a long hooked nose and masculine features. She is also said to be very seductive with her enchanting musical voice and exuded charisma. She was also very intelligent and a great ruler. She spoke nine different languages. She was the only Eqyptian Queen who could actually speak Egyptian (History).

The Ptolemy family had ruled Egypt since 305 B.C. After the death of Alexander the Great, Ptolemy I declared himself King of Egypt.

The Ptolemy family was of Macedonian descent, part Greek and part Iranian. Cleopatra's father Ptolemy XII, full name was Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos Auletes (which means flute-player in Greek), he began ruling in 80 B.C. and continued to rule until his death in 51 B.C. (Nardo). Cleopatra's mother is said to have been Cleopatra V Tryphaena, who either died or disappeared in 69 B.C. Cleopatra had two older sisters; Cleopatra VI and Berenice IV, and one younger sister, Arsinoe IV. She also had two younger brothers Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV, both of whom she had to marry (Nardo).

In 58 B.C. Berenice IV took over the kingdom forcing her father, Ptolemy XII, to flee to Rome. She ruled Egypt until he regained the throne in 55 B.C. and he had her beheaded (History). Cleopatra's other sister disappeared sometime between 58-55 B.C. Ptolemy XII named Cleopatra VII and Ptolemy XIII as heirs to the throne, and when he died they took over (Nardo). A rule established by Ptolemy II stated that you had to marry your sibling if ruling a country together. So Ptolemy XIII and Cleopatra VII married, but strictly as a rule.

Cleopatra VII was eighteen and Ptolemy was only ten when they were named King and Queen of Egypt in 51 B.C. (History). For the most part Cleopatra did most of the ruling. Ptolemy was very naÐ"Їve to with his advisors. They would tell him what to do. Finally, three years after Cleopatra had ruled they advised him to take total control of the kingdom. He went with his advisors and Cleopatra was forced in exile. Cleopatra fled to Syria where she began to construct an army for her revenge (Stanley). Julius Caesar arrives in Alexandria to bring order among the King and Queen. Cleopatra knew she had to tell Caesar what was really happening. She disguised herself; by rolling herself up in carpet, and was carried into the castle. She knew that if anyone would catch her Ptolemy XIII would have her beheaded. She made it up to the room where Caesar was staying and when she fell out of the carpet "it is said they stayed the night together and that evening began one of histories greatest love stories" (Stanley). The next morning Ptolemy XIII was shocked to find Cleopatra at Caesars side. He stormed out of the palace screaming that he had been betrayed. Caesar had Ptolemy arrested, but Pharaohs army attacked the palace.

The Alexandrian War had started. The war went on for six months. It ended when Pothinus was killed in a battle, and Ptolemy XIII drowned in the Nile River trying to escape (Nardo). The city of Alexandria surrendered to Caesar. Caesar held Arisnoe captive and restored Cleopatra to the throne. Again she was forced to marry her other brother, Ptolemy XIV (Nardo).

After the war, Cleopatra showed Caesar every pleasure and luxury she had to offer. A two-month tour up the Nile River is said to be the time when she became pregnant. After the cruise Caesar returned to Rome leaving behind three legions to look after and Cleopatra. She gave birth to his son, Ptolemy XV (Caesarian), on June 23 47 B.C. (Arab). In 46 B.C. one year later Caesar invited them to Rome. The two were received with great honor in Rome and a golden statue was dedicated by Caesar to Cleopatra and placed in the temple of Venus Genetrix (History).

Cleopatra stayed



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