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Cloud Computing & Distributed Systems

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Cloud Computing & Distributed Systems

Prepared By: Abdulla Younes (201430082)

Presented to: Dr.Saleh Khawatrah

Course: Distributed Systems & Parallel Computing (0815414)

Table of Contents


  1. Title Page                                                                                                                              1
  2. Table of Contents                                                                                                                 2
  3. Abstract                                                                                                                                3                
  4. What is cloud computing                                                                                                     4
  5. Cloud computing benefits and deployment models                                                            5
  6. Types of Clouds and Major Cloud Vendors                                                                        6
  7. Cloud computing vs. the Distributed approach                                                                 7A
  8. Comparison of cloud computing vs. standard computing                                                  7B
  9. Conclusion                                                                                                                           8
  10. References used                                                                                                                   9


        Cloud computing is one of the many types of Internet-based computing that provides shared computer processing resources and data access to computers and other devices when needed on demand. Cloud computing and storage solutions provide users and enterprises with various capabilities to store and process their data in either privately owned, or third-party data centers that may be located far from the user–ranging in distance from across a city to across the world. Cloud computing relies on sharing of resources to achieve coherence and economy of scale, similar to a utility (like the electricity grid) over an electricity network.

With the increasing demand that the technological world seems to be demanding, emerging technologies are in massive need. Multiple systems, and computing technologies such as distributed computing , grid computing, and most importantly Cloud computing have arose in these past years to accommodate the supply to everyday user’s demands.

Whether the need comes from a student in a university, or a hobbyist in the back shed of his house, data is accessed everyday endlessly. Data, or simply raw facts with an implicit meaning is the actual guide to any path of knowledge. Due to the vast amounts of data being created and stored these day, a lot of fields have emerged in the computing world. Whether it is big data analytics, or data forensics, along comes with this matter the need for access, control, and security measures.

A typical naïve user of the computer will most probably access his or her own personal computer, and open a browser to loop up a certain subject pertaining to his field of query. Moreover, knowing that data these is found everywhere, the concept of cloud computing was created.

Cloud computing in the most basic terms is the delivery of computing services compromising of several elements such as servers, storages, databases, and software solutions over the internet. It is what enables us to access several applications, and hardware options seamlessly through the internet without even knowing it.

Cloud computing is based on the term cloud, previously though it used to refer to the internet. Nowadays, it refers to the environment that houses It resources whether they are physical, or virtually located. An IT resources is a computing device that can be consumed by an end user, such as servers, storage devices, and application logic provided by an organization.

In addition, cloud computing concerns two main parties which are the cloud consumer, and the cloud provider. Cloud consumers are end users who buy the services from the cloud providers. Cloud providers are the people who provide the cloud resources to the users.

The cloud has many uses, and several different applications that may be beneficial to a lot of different users. A cloud may serve a bank needing to access customers’ accounts on its private cloud, or can provide the necessary information needed by a student for his research paper. The cloud has several structures used to deploy its services which will be discussed later on in this paper.

Nevertheless, the cloud approach has expedited many services that were upheld in the IT industry as complex. Mainly being the access of data remotely anywhere, and at any time. Through the platform of the internet, the cloud works by making delivery of all of its services remotely.

Cloud computing being a new technology that has increasingly devolved in the work market over the past few years boasts a lot of capabilities and benefits, some of which are:

  • Self Service provisioning: which means that end users can utilize computing resources for any type of workload on demand. This advantage seems to be useful in a way that it eliminates the need for IT administrators to provision and manage IT resources.
  • Elasticity: meaning that organizations and corporations can scale up, down, left, or right as needed according to demand. This benefit is advantageous because it reduce the need for massive investments by companies in local physical infrastructure which may or may not be needed in the future.
  • Pay per use: which enables cloud providers to measure the provided cloud resources at a granular level. Thus enabling the consumers to pay only for the resources that they actually consume.
  • Performance: the most popular cloud computing services these days run through a worldwide network composed of secure datacenters, thus meaning that they are usually upgraded to the latest generation of fast and efficient computing hardware. This makes a difference, as opposed to having a single corporate datacenter, which includes the reduced network latency for applications and greater economies of scale.
  • Reliability:  cloud computing makes data backup, disaster recovery and business continuity much more easily and way less costly, because data that is housed on the cloud can be mirrored at multiple redundant sites all over the world.

Most cloud computing services usually fall into three main categories as defined by the NIST. They are:

  • Infrastructure As a service (IaaS): which is the most common type of cloud services usually encompasses full hardware access such as servers, and data center space on a pay per use basis. This eliminates the need for someone to invest in their own hardware. Moreover, the availability of flexible services available on demand.

  • Platform As a service (PaaS): this deployment model provides a cloud based environment sufficient enough to support the lifecycle of building and delivering web based cloud applications, but without the underlying cost associated with buying and managing underlying hardware, and software. This seems effective as it reduces complexity with middleware as a service.

  • Software As a service (SaaS): which include the concept of cloud based applications usually located and managed on remote computers by third parties. The application logic is presented to users, and is usually accessed through web browsers. Apps and data are usually quickly accessible from anywhere over the internet. This seems effective as it enables corporations and user to rapidly sign up and create business apps and solutions.

Cloud services comes in many different forms and there is three different ways to deploy these services. They are:

  • Public Cloud: this type of cloud is owned and managed by third party cloud providers. They deliver their services over the internet. Microsoft azure is an example of public cloud providers. Within public clouds, all hardware and software, and supporting infrastructure is totally managed by the cloud providers.
  • Private Cloud:  refers to the cloud that is initiated, used, and managed exclusively by a single corporation/organization. Private cloud are usually located on premise inside the company’s datacenters. This type of cloud is usually managed and used over a secure and private network.
  • Hybrid Cloud: are a combination of the above two, they are usually bound together by technology that allows data and applications to be shared by them. Hybrid clouds are the most flexible option, most suitable for business solutions.

Some of the major Cloud Vendors these days are:






EC2 (Elastic Cloud Compute)

Amazon Web Services*

Amazon Web Services*



Google App Engine (Python, Java, Go)

Google Aps


Enterprise Services Cloud – Compute

Cloud Application Delivery

HP Software as a Service


SmartCloud Enterprise

SmartCloud Application Services

SaaS products


Microsoft Private Cloud

Windows Azure (includes .NET, Node.js, Java, PHP)

MS Office 365






Cloud Servers

Cloud Sites



VMware vSpherevCloud

VMware vFabric (Java Spring)vCloud API


The major concept of Cloud computing and distributed Systems is correlated in such a way that both complete each other to achieve the main goal of simplifying the user’s journey through a computer.



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