Comparative Essay: Pinochet and Leopold
Essay by review • February 23, 2011 • Essay • 689 Words (3 Pages) • 1,682 Views
Throughout history there have been many different leaders and rulers all over the world. Many of these leaders have similar ways of commanding their country along with many different ideas. These ideas include there beliefs, religion, and way of treating there people. Not all rulers were polite to their citizens and treated them cruelly. Both leaders Leopold of the Congo and Pinochet in Chile are good examples of cruel leaders who abused their citizens. Together they share common political ideas and ways of treating the people the governed.
Politically, both Leopold and Pinochet were both strong leaders in the Congo and in Chile. Each leader was a dictator but however had different beliefs. Leopold was for the idea of Parliament and Pinochet opposed the idea of a communist government, such as the Popular Unity government which was in place for three years in Chile before he overthrew it. Both Leopold and Pinochet also both had militaries in place when they ruled. Leopold had a Force Publique under him. This was a military which was made up of blacks who were led by white officers. Pinochet had what was known as a Military Junta under him. This military banned all parties of Allende's Popular Unity Coalition and had authority in Chile. Another common political idea both leaders shared was their desire for raw materials. Leopold had the desire for both ivory and gold which were very desired materials during his rule. However unlike Leopold Pinochet desired the raw material copper and therefore took over the copper industry. Both countries, in which these leaders ruled, had a common political idea which was in their reports of the way the people of each country were treated. In the Congo, the accounts of Americans, talked about all the wrongs of the society and how the citizens were abused and tortured. In Chile, the Valech Report, created by Bishop Sergio Valech was based on testimonies given to the National Commission by more than 35,000 people. The Valech Report was equivalent to the report by accounts of Americans in the Congo. Both talked about all the inhumanity caused by the leaders. Lastly a common political idea both leaders shared was the way they commanded there people.
Both Leopold and Pinochet treated their people abusively. They tortured them based on their beliefs and to improve what they felt was right. Leopold's reason for torture was mainly for economic gain and Pinochets reason for torture was against those who believed